pt. 11 Kacchan?

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Miller sighed "That doesn't concern you" "But it does!" Deku exclaimed Miller groaned "Fine you wanna know so bad? ill send Doctor Kiko to help you remember, he will be there tomorrow" He said before hanging up

They were all silent for a minute "I'm gonna go on a run" Deku said standing up he then went downstairs and walked out the door ignoring the calls from the class he then began running he didn't know how long but he ended up at a small park that he had seemed to recognize 

He sat down next to a large tree just trying to prepare himself for tomorrow, someone then sat down next to him it was Katsuki

"I knew you didn't I?" Deku asked looking over at him Katsuki was silent for a second "Yeah" He said "We were best friends, then one day you were just gone" Deku smiled softly "Well guess ill remember tomorrow" "What?"

"Yeah, Miller is sending my doctor here tomorrow because my dumbass was being too pushy" "Isn't that a good thing?" "It would be if it didn't hurt so bad," he said now looking down at the floor

"It's gonna be ok," Katsuki said trying to reassure him "Yeah I got my team" "So what like being the Captain" "Ugh I hate it when people call me Captain" He groaned 

Katsuki then jumped up off the floor "What are you gonna do about it, Cap" Katsuki said smugly "I'll show you" Deku said standing up they then proceeded to chase each other around until they both lay on the floor looking up the now dark sky "Hey, we should probably get back to the dorms" Deku said quietly

"Yeah" They both then got up and started to walk back to the dorms once they got there they went inside and saw everyone sitting in the common rooms including Dekus team members

"What are you guys doing here?" Deku asked "They invited us to play games with them you should join!" "Um, I don't know" "Come on Cap! you work too much!" Deku looked around at the others in the room that all had pleading eyes "Fine" He said walking over and sitting next to his team

He looked back expecting to see Katsuki but was met with emptiness, He looked around seeing him walking towards the elevator "Where are you going?" Deku asked "To my room" "No come play with us, Please" Katsuki looked back meeting Deku's green eyes "Tch fine" he then walked over and sat down with the 'bakusquad'

There were small cheers heard throughout the room "Ok!! let's play truth or dare!" Mina exclaimed

Mina then set a glass bottle down on the floor and spun it "Kiri truth or dare" "Uhh Truth" he said timidly "Boring, anyway who do you think the hottest in the room is?" Kirishima's face turned as red as his hair "Aayan" he said quietly getting a bunch of squeals from the girls Aayan also turn red making his teammates laugh at him and Deku nudge him

Kirishima then stood up and spun the bottle "Deku truth or dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to take off your shirt" Deku sighed before standing up and slipping his shirt off when he looked up everyone had a slightly red face other than his teammates

He then walked over to the bottle and quickly spun it and sat back down not wanting to let them see his back Nuri then grabbed his hand noticing that he was a little worried about it "Ochaco truth or dare?" "Truth" "Why did you want to become a hero?" he asked with a small smile

"I wanted to be a hero to help people and save lives" She stated simply but nonetheless it made Deku smile because he has read what the Ochacos entrance exam said and it was nothing like that 

They played a few more games which weren't very exciting other than Todoroki and Hanta admitting their feeling to one another

After that, everyone when back to their rooms, and Deku wrote down what Ochaco had said then they all went to sleep not knowing what was going to happen the next day

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