pt. 4 Getting to know

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They all walked out of the dorm building and Aayan immediately started running around while Deku chased after him while laughing "Guys Common" Deku yelled with excitement running through his voice they both glanced at each other before Astro bolted off with the rest of them "Common Nuri its fine" 

She thought for a moment before starting to run off with the others they were laughing before the two in front Deku and Aayan suddenly stopped the other two were confused at first before they saw what they were looking at 

Then Nuri and Astro stopped also starting to look "What are those?" "I have no idea but they are so cool!" "How are they that bright and how are they hanging in the sky like that?" They all just shrugged their shoulders in response not having any idea how this was all working then a young woman approached them "Hey what are you guys doing?" she asked "They all looked over while Nuri just kinda hid behind Deku "Um... w-we were just looking around our commander said we could" Deku answered his voice slightly wavering

"Hey it's ok, my name is Suki, what are your guys?" They all introduced themselves other than Nuri but Deku did it for her "Well would you guys want me to give you a more indebted tour?" They all slowly nodded their heads "Ok follow me" she said as she began walking 

they stopped in front of a building that is slightly smaller than the dorms "This is the cafeteria you will be allowed three meals a day and there are multiple water fountains around the facility that you will have access to throughout the day there are also a few vending machines that will have protein bars and energy drinks"

She allowed them to take a look at the cafeteria then they began walking to a different building "This will be the training room that you start in, it is all pretty basic stuff you will each be assigned trainers that will train you for what seems fit" She then turned around to face them

"Your Deku right?" she asked the green-haired boy "Y-yeah I am" Suki gave him a small frown which confused them all "What is that a bad thing?" he asked "No Hunny I just already know who your trainer is going to be and he's not the nicest" Deku nodded swallowing thickly while Aayan patted his back

Suki quickly showed them the other training room and then walked them down to the clinic explaining that they will have a small checkup and then be taken back to their rooms 

They didn't know but they all had different doctors so they were all seen at the same time they all got a new injection and asked more questions then they got thrown out of the room Dekus's doctor didn't seem to like him very much so they practically threw him against the wall

There was a loud thud heard throughout the room as his back hit the wall "What the hell!!" Aayan yelled running to Deku "I'm fine" he said quietly while Suki stormed over to the doctor and started yelling at him about things they didn't understand yet 

"Come on guys," Suki said while Aayan helped Deku off the floor they then began walking back to the dorms and straight to the top floor Suki then left them "Um so should we like ask each other questions about them," Astro asked "Yeah sounds like fun!" Deku exclaimed 

Everyone was a bit surprised about his sudden mood change but they all chose not to talk about it 

They all sat on the floor in a small circle "Ok who wants to go first?" Astro asked, "I will!" Deku said "Ok what is the worse thing that everyone remembers?" he said "Umm well mine would have to be my father's death," Aayan said "Mine was my sister's death," Nuri said "Mine is my brother," Astro said, "What about you Deku?" Nuri asked "Oh, um my Mothers death" he responded

They all nodded seeing that none of them wanted to talk about that anymore "Ok well what is your favorite color?" "Green" "Grey" "Blue" "Purple" They all continued to ask questions getting to know each other better and warming up to each other

They heard the elevator ding so they all stood up in a line waiting for the door to open when it did Major Miller stepped inside with a scowl on his face "Hello I am here to talk to you about the rules that are starting today, First you are all expected to wake up at 6 am every day and be in bed by 9 pm, for the first night you will be provided with this alarm clock after the week is up you will all receive watches that will wake you up and a series of other things" he explained placing the clock down on the floor and plugging it in 

"You will all also be expected to be completely ready and shower included by 7 am if that is not done that you will miss out on breakfast and have to wait for lunch which will be served at 12 pm, tomorrow you will also be meeting your trainers and they will give you your list of dietary  needs and your training schedule, do you understand?" "Yes sir," they all said

"Good now I want you all to get to the cafeteria and eat your dinner then get back here shower then get to sleep" "Yes sir" They all walked out and got into the elevator going to the ground floor the four jogged to the cafeteria the walked inside and waited for permission

Suki then walked in "Hey guys you can go and eat you know" None of them answered, Suki sighed before pulling out her phone and calling someone she talked on the phone for a second before putting it o speaker "You four have been given permission to listen to Suki" The call the ended "You guys go eat" They nodded and got their food and quickly ate they walked back to the dorms and showed then went to sleep

(all of the showers have walls so they don't see each other)


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