pt. 5 training

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The next morning the loud alarm went off and they all sprung out of bed except for Aayan he just groaned and rolled onto the floor they all laughed at him making him groan louder "Come on we have to get ready or were not going to get breakfast" Deku said walking to the bathroom 

Aayan then sprung off the floor and into the bathroom with the others they all quickly showed up and got dressed for the day they were all wearing black cargo pants and different color combat boots and different color teeshirts

They then made their way down to the cafeteria to eat breakfast when they got there they saw a few other people sitting down and eating their breakfast they all got their food and sat down and began to eat

When they were finished they then walked over to the training room waiting outside for their trainers to come as they were waiting they could all tell that Deku was nervous he was fighting with his hands and shifting from foot to foot 

"Hey its gonna be ok" Nuri reassured him "Yeah for sure" Right after he said that four men walked over to them they already knew two of them its was Major Miller and Suki and two unknown men "Hello, you already know my name and Miss Sukis name but these two men are Mr. Akio and and Mr. Bato" The two men bowed and walked inside

"Ok so Nuri Miss Suki will be you trainer now go get started" "Yes sir" she said following Suki inside "Astro you are with Mr. Bato and Aayan you are with Mr. Akio now go inside and fine them" Then Major Miller narrowed his eyes at Deku "You Deku are with me lets get started with a mile run" He said as he started running

After the run they went inside the building and saw everyone with their trainers starting to learn Deku was still a little winded after running a whole mile with no break and no water "Sir could I go get some water please" "No you can get water when we are finished" "Yes Sir"

They then walked over to where the mats were "Mondays and fridays are used for flexibility" They then began to do stretches trying to get him more limber they did that almost the whole time until lunch "Go eat and then head to the clinic" "Yes sir" 

They all got to the cafeteria and Deku was very thirsty so he downed a bottle of water while they all looked at him with concern but he ignored it and began eating "how was training for you guys?" Aayan asked they all said it was fine except for Deku who didn't respond

After they were finished eating they all walked down to the clinic once they got there they walked in and sat on the waiting chairs all of the examination rooms opened and they all got up and walked into there usual rooms 

When he sat down he was immediately strapped down to the table making him panic a bit "Test subject 3820 this is going to be painful" the doctor said causing him to panic even more

The doctor groned before roughly grabbing his are and shoving the needle into it cuseing the boy to let out a scream the doctor that injected him with more while he heard yelling outside in the hallway 

Once the doctor finally finished he looked over at the guards that were standing at the door "That him outside and don't let the other ones touch or talk to him until he is all the way outside" They nodded unstrapping him and taking him outside ignoring the shouts from the other kids

The guards harshly threw him outside and hit hit the floor with a soft thud everyone ran out behind them Nuri ran straight to the boy on the floor trying to comfort him while the other two yelled at the guards before going to the friend on the floor

The green haired boy now had a long gash going down his arm that was practically spewing out blood but he didn't seem to feel it he just stared at it with a blank face Suki then ran over "What Happened?" she asked with a hint of urgency in her voice "They like did something to him but I don't know what we heard him screaming and then they there him out" "Ok ill as-" she was cut off as Aayan gasped they all looked down and say the cut on his arm heal instantly

Deku looked up at them with wide eyes looking confused "Ill be right back don't go anywhere" "Ok" They all said Deku slowly looked down at Dekus arm to see a slightly raised scar on his arm 

They all just sat next to him comforting him they heard yelling come form inside and they were all wondering what was going on just at they thought that Suki and Dekus doctor came out of the building the three kids just glared at him as he walked over 

"What happed?" "When the stupid guards took him outside they threw him and he cut his arm and it already healed" "What?" He then grabbed Dekus are and examined it looking at the already healed cut that covered a large part of his arm he looked at it with wide eyes before pulling out his phone and calling someone

 He talked on the phone for a second before hanging up "We need to run some tests, come with me" Deku slowly stood up following the doctor inside

Once inside he sat down and he luckily wasn't tied up the doctor grabbed a needle and took a blood sample and to both of their surprise he didn't even flinch the doctor then ran a few more tests while the blood was being processed they heard a ding meaning that it was done 

Before he could look at the results there was a knock at the door "Come in" he yelled the door opened and Major Miller walked into the room "whats going on?" "I was just about to look at the results" He said opening the results on the computer

 There were A few seconds of silence before Major Miller spoke up "I want the other three given the exact same thing, now" The doctor nodded getting a few things out on the cabnits Deku watched wide eyed "Your going to hurt them" He said quietly "What did you say" Miller shouted "Nothing" Deku answered 

"Thats what I thought" he said "Come on we are going to train some more" "Sir, what did they do to me?" Deku asked "The injections that they gave you mixed together and formed some kind of healing agent and you cant feel any pain" Deku just nodded following the man out of the building "Sir can I talk to them for a second I will be right there" "Fine you have 5mins" 

Deku nodded and walked over to his friends "Are you ok?" Nuri asked imidiatly "Yeah but I just wanted to warn you guys that they are going to do the same thing to you guys but while it I happening just try to relax as much as possible, ill see you guys later" He said walking out 

Slowly one by one they were all taken into the room and injected but they all took Dekus advice and tried to relax as much as possible when they were done with that they all went to the training room and saw Deku with Miller training 

They all found their trainers and began working with them once they were done with training they all ate dinner showerd and talked a little bit about how it went then they went to bed.

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