pt. 10 Hero course

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The next morning we all woke up at 6 am and went to the showers we got there we got scolded by a teacher because Nuri tried to go in with us like we always did but apparently we are not allowed to do that here

Nuri  walked to the girl's showers and they all quickly showed not like being separated from each other they have developed some kind of separation anxiety from each other not like they would ever admit it 

After they showed they made it to the dorm kitchen and ate cereal because they didn't really know how to cook they quickly ate the decided to go on a run a few others had woken up "Hey, do you guys want to go on a run with us?" Deku asked Katsuki, Eijiro, Denki, Sero, and Mina "Yeah how many miles?"

"Just like 5," Aayan said simply they all choked slightly before nodding "Yeah no problem" "Ok we are gonna go change" "Ok us too"

 They all quickly changed both the girls were wearing short shorts and a tight tank top while the boys were wearing basketball shorts and basic teeshirts "Are you guys ready?" "Yeah let's go" Deku and Aayan put on headphones and then looked at each other smirking before beginning to run

"Danmit they always do this," Nuri said before putting on headphones and also running while Astro did the same thing all the others then also began to run after them around the two-mile mark everyone except Katsuki, Eijiro, and Mina kept stopped running

When they were finally finished with the miles they saw the four messing around Deku was put into a headlock by Aayan they watched in awe as Deku swung his legs up and wrapped them around Aayans neck and used his weight to make him fall to the floor

Deku then pulled out a butterfly knife and dug it into his shoulder Eijiro quickly ran over pulling Deku off of Aayan Deku then shifted knocking Eijiro off his feet making him fall to the floor "Deku! that's not one of us!" "Oh shit!" he exclaimed turning around to see Eijiro on the floor "I'm so sorry I thought that you were one of those idiots," he said glancing over at his team members and then helping Eijiro up "Are you ok?" he asked getting close to his face making him blush a bit 

"Yeah I'm fine," he said then looked down at Aayan "Hey, are you ok?" he then asked Aayan shot his head over to look at him "Uh y-yeah I'm fine," he said as his face changed to a light pink color looking away the other four laughed slightly at him making him glare in return

"How are you guys now sweaty at all?" Mina then asked they all looked at her slightly confused "For five miles?" "Yes!" She yelled they all stared at her confused before Katsuki spoke up "When you're done chatting we should probably get ready"

They all nodded going inside they all then got ready to go to class the four of them not really knowing what to expect

~Time skip to the first hero class idk what its called"

When we arrived at the gym Mr. Aziawa finally told us what we were going to do "Ok so today you are going to be sparring and I will be giving you your partners Bakugo and Deku, Kirishima and Aayan, Mina and Nuri, Kaminari and Astro (I don't feel like doing the rest)

(Im going to be focusing on Katsukis and Deku's fight)

~Dekus POV~

We walked over to our sparring area and got into position "Deku try not to hurt him too bad" "Yes sir" I said calmly "Tch as if a quirkless piece of shit could lay a finger on me" He spat at me, I just looked at him with an emotionless face

"Begin," Aizawa said I decided that I was just going to watch my opponent for a bit to try and get the gist of his fighting style he flew at me with surprising speed with his right hand back 'right hook' I thought to myself 

I was right I ducked down and for a while, I just dodged him and he was starting to get angry with I thought was a bit funny "Come on and fight me!" he yelled "I am" I said with a small smile he then let out a frustrated yell

I then just noticed that he wasn't even using his quirk "Are you underestimating me?" "What the hell do you mean?!" "You arent using your quirk" He then stopped for a second "Im not gonna kill you jackass"

"Well then I'm not going to fight you if you are just going to underestimate me" I said as I started to walk over to Mr. Aziawa to ask if I could get a new partner just as I was walking away I could tell that he was running at so just as he got there I bent down making him fly over me I the grabbed his arm and twisted it then slammed him onto the floor all while taking out a combat knife and holding it to his neck

"Dont fucking underestimate me again" I then stood up and offered my hand to him he stared at it for a second before grabbing it I quickly helped him up I heard a few people squealing so I turned around and saw a bunch of the girls staring and me and Bakugo with huge smiles on their faces

And some of the boys were looking at us with dropped jaws looking shocked "What?" I asked "He normally would have slapped your hand out of the way" Mina squealed "Oh" I said glancing at Bakugo

I then walked off to go find the rest of the team and they were just laying on the floor looking up "Hey, how did it go?" "We all won" Astro said simply "Shouldn't you be happier about it?"  "We none of the used their quirks on us, they said they 'dident want to hurt us'" "Jackasses" I muttered walking away

I then stood in front of the whole class "Hey! you all need to stop underestimating us, just because we are quirkless doesn't mean were weak!" "Hell we cant even feel pain!" I the pulled out a combat knife and sliced my arm earning gasps throughout the room 

Not even a second later it healed and everyone just stated at my arm in awe "How the hell did you do that?" " None of your goddamn business, now dose anyone have a problem or will you actually try and fight us now?" No one said anything but in the back I saw Ochaco with a weird smirk on her face 

I then walked over the Mr. Aizawa "Get me everything you have on Ochaco Uraraka" I asked while he just nodded I then walked back over to my team "Come on" I said they all nodded getting up

We all walked over to the dorms and as soon as we got inside I locked the door the pulled out the bulitin board and started to hang things up "Ok so I have two suspects Katsuki Bakugo and Ochaco Uraraka" 

"Dang cap, how did you figure that out so fast" "While I was fighting Katsuki he was acting differently then how everybody seems to portray him as and Ochaco was smirking weirdly at me when I cut my arm" "What does that have to do with anything?" Aayan asked earning a weird look from all of us "Did you not even look at the paper about Toga that Bato gave us?" Nuri asked

He looked back at her slowly shaking his head 'no' I stared at him the sighed grabbing my paper off the desk and giving it to him I then nodded my head towards the door signaling for us to leave "Call us back up here when you figure it out" I stated simply before walking out with the others 

While we were walking we heard him groan causing us all to laugh a little "Aziawa should be here soon" I said I will also need to ask him about Katsuki and about everything that he knows" just as he finished talking their dorm door opened and a guilty looking Aayan walked out "Ok, I get it now" we all laughed patting him on the back then walking inside

As I was examining the board there was a knock on the door making all of our heads snap over to the door "How is it I said grabbing one of my combat knifes and walking over to the door "Aizawa" Came simply 

We all let a breath and I quickly walked over to the door and opened it to see Aizawa with a bunch a papers I quickly let him in 

"What do you have so far" "We have two suspects Katsuki Bakugo and Ochaco Uraraka" "I have heard from multiple students that Bakugo has been acting differently and as for Ochaco when I cut my arm she smirked while the other students were worried"

Aizawa nodded while setting down the papers "While I think that you should keep investigating Ochaco I think that you wont need to investigate Bakugo"

"If you don't mind me asking sir why wont we have to keep investigating Bakugo?" I asked "I don't think that I have clearance to tell you that but you are more than welcome to call Major Miller and ask" Aizawa said walking out 

As soon as he left I pulled out our computer and video called Miller after a few seconds he answered "Hello scarlet team what do you need?" he asked in a monotone voice "Who is Katsuki Bakugo?"



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