pt. 2 Memories

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                                                  ~Izukus POV~

When I woke up I was strapped down onto a chair with bright lights I let out a small whimper at the harshness of the lights  I heard the door open and I tried to look and see who it is but I couldn't because of my head being strapped down to the chair

"Hello young child" a dark voice spoke up "W-who are you" "My name Is doctor Kiko and I am going to be running tests on you and preparing you for the work that you are going to be participating in" W-what t-type of work?" "You will find that out soon child"

"Ok let's start shall we," the man said walking over and unstrapping my head "O-ok" "Im going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer them to the best of your ability, let's begin" "What is your name" "I-Izuku Midoryia" "What is your age" "5" "What is the name of your mother" "...Inko Midoryia" "Is your mother alive of deceased" there was a long pause "S-shes dead.." "What is the name of your father and is he alive or deceased" Another long pause "Hisashi Midoriya he is alive," he said quietly "Alright, now let's move on to the physical part"

~TW needles and blood~ ~third person POV~

The doctor then strapped his head back down to the table Izukus breathing the started to pick up "Calm down child" he said noticing the boy, Izuku didn't listen and began freaking out even more the doctor groned and roughly grabbed the boy arm plunging a needle into it and taking a blood sample

The doctor then proceeded to take tests and inject Izuku with different things "Ok Izuku this is the last injection" Izuku just looked at him with a blank expression he had given up on fighting awhile ago

The doctor then got out a camera and began speaking "This is test subject number 3820 and we have already done most of the tests this is the last, Memory Depletion all of the other tests have been passed with flying colors" he then injected him with the substance 

Izukus's eyes went wide as he let out whines of pain and his back arched off of the chair he then fell limp against the chair with a painful grunt he was looking around the room in confusion "Can you tell me your name" The doctor asked bluntly with hope in his voice Izuku just looked at him for a second "No" the doctor smiled "Where am I?" "You are at a government facility" "Ok," Izuku said bluntly 

The door then opened and men in black came in the doctor turned off and set the camera down and unstrapped Izuku "Over the next few days you will slowly get some of your memories back but only the ones that are meant to be there" "Ok" Izuku said sitting up

The men in black then grabbed Izukus arms and walked out as they were walking down Izuku saw other people being walked down the hall some of them looked like they were passed out while others were just walking down the halls with guards on either side on them

Izuku was walked down the hall and into a room that had the numbers 3820&3821 written on it he got pushed inside and it was a white room with two small beds and two pairs of clothes on the end of the bed "You will be staying here for a week while your memories are coming back you will be getting three meals a day that will be brought to you and in about an hour you will get a roommate" a guard said before leaving the room

Izuku sighed before sitting down on the bed he got a raging headache and someone started to flash through his head he fell to the floor letting out painful grunts as tears started to fall down his face rapidly he heard the door open but he didn't care he felt someone grab his arms and pull him up and set him on to the bed the flashes then stopped and he knew that that man was his father

He laid on the bed as more tears streamed down his face he had just watched his father stab his mother in the back while she protected him "Hey, are you ok?" a kind voice then broke him out of his thoughts he looked up to see a small boy that looked to be his age with white hair and greyish blue eyes he slowly sat up and looked at the boy and nodded his head "Who are you?" the boy laughed a little before shrugging "I don't know did they not take you memories too?" "Oh, they did but I didn't know if they did they same to you or not" Izuku replied with a sigh

"Hey what um just happened just now" " I think I was getting some of my memories back," he said with a small frown " It hurts? That sucks," he said biting on his lip nervously "Yeah, well at least we have each other" Izuku said with a bright smile the other boy let out a small laugh returning the smile

He walked over to his bed looking at the clothes at the end he started to look through them there were black cargo pants and a black teeshirt and light grey combat boots on the floor and then there were black sweatpants and a white teeshirt Izuku had almost the same things except there were dark green combat boots and a green t-shirt instead of white

The other boy then let out a small pained groan and started to rub his temples and laid down "Hey, are you ok" "M-merories" he slurred out quietly Izuku quickly got up and sat next to the boy pulling him into a side hug the white-haired boy instantly melted into the touch letting out a small whimper

 Izuku then lightly rubbed his back waiting for it to pass after about 10mins he slowly sat up with tears trailing down his face "You ok?" "Yeah it was bearable thanks to you," he said with a little laugh Izuku smiled at him before getting up and walking over to his bed and grabbing his clothes he glanced over at the boy then turned around he took off his clothes and slipped on the black sweatpants and dark green teeshirt when he turned back around he saw that the other boy had done the same and was wearing black sweatpants and white shirt 

There was a soft knock on the door and it opened to show a guard holding two trays with food on them and a glass of water and some pills he walked in and placed them on each of the beds "Those pills are pain meds and sleeping pills if you need them" he stated before walking out

                          ~This is about what the week was like for them~

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