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"Have you guys thought about what you're being for Halloween?" I asked as we walked around Target.

Kat, Paige, and myself are at Target, looking for some fall and Halloween decor. "Not yet, but it is the first day of October so we have time."

I just shrugged as the two laughed at me. I always loved Halloween and dressing up so I was excited about it.

I was also excited about decorating. I'm happy the three of us could come here and look for that kind of stuff.

Sam and Colby were currently editing so they're super busy. "I don't think Sam wants me to decorate." Kat frowned.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at her. "Why wouldn't he?" I question. She sighed as she thought about it.

"I don't know. Ever since I moved in, I feel like he's changing. I don't want to get too much into it though." I could see her suck in a breath.

"We're gonna do this girls day and have fun anyway." She sounded like she was talking more to herself than us.

I felt so bad for her. She's complained about it to us a few times. I know it must suck. Paige and I both sighed and changed the conversation.

We both mentally agreed that we don't want to force her to talk about it. We spent the majority of the afternoon at Target.

Kat helped us pick out different things we can decorate our apartment with. For my room, I picked out more spookier and darker stuff.

Paige went with the cuter stuff. "I don't know why you like that stuff so much." Paige laughed as we put the stuff in the car.

I just shrugged as we climbed in. We were hungry so we figured we could go eat something.

We went to In and Out since it was fast and cheap. "Are you going to try to dress up with Colby?" Paige questioned.

I nodded while I finished chewing my food. "I hope he'll want to dress up with me." I honestly tell them.

"I'm sure he will. I've never seen him act like this with a girl." I furrow my eyebrows towards her.

"What are you talking about?" I question. Paige looked in between us two.

"I've known him for six years and I've never seen him act like this for a girl." She starts to explain.

It makes me curious. "Every time he starts liking a girl, he ends up pushing them away because of the fans." She explains.

"It's just nice to see him actually choose his own happiness for once." I couldn't help but smile.

"He's still a pain in my ass but still." She joked causing the two of us to laugh.

This little girls day was really nice. Even though we didn't do much, it was just nice to spend some time with them.

We eventually left and went back to the apartments. Paige turned some Halloween music on while we decorated the apartment.

It looked really cute. We had cute fall pillows for the couch and a matching blanket.

We got different hand towels for the kitchen and bathroom.

We did stop at Bath and Body works to get a bunch of different fall hand soaps and candles, ones lit now.

I got some spooky Halloween decorations and pillows for my room. It took us a couple hours to decorate everything.

As I scrolled through different apps, Colby facetimed me. I instantly smiled when I accepted.

"Can I come over? I'm over editing." He said causing me to laugh. "Yeah, we just finished decorating the apartment." I answer.

I could feel his smile over the phone. "Okay, I'll be there soon." We shared our goodbyes and hung up.

I scrolled through Tik Tok while I waited for him to come over. As I did wait here, I could hear the door open and shut.

"Hello?" He asked causing me to sit up and lock my phone. "Colby?" I asked while sitting up.

He walked in with a smile on his face. "I'm so happy I'm over editing." He said while flopping on my bed.

He then looked around and sat up. "The decorations look really good." He complimented.

I made sure to thank him as we sat there for a minute. "Did you want to go out and do something or just chill?" I asked him.

He thought about it for a moment. "Do you mind if we just order pizza and watch a movie?" He suggested.

That sounds fine with me so he ordered while I searched for a movie to watch. I asked him if we could watch X since I hadn't seen it yet.

He said he was down so once it was ordered, we started watching it. I had also lit my fall candle.

We got under the blanket, turned the lights out, and got comfortable as the movie started.

I had my head on his chest as he rubbed my back. It's crazy how comfortable I felt with him.

Even though I've known him for a few months, I feel like I've known him for years.

X was a really good movie so far, I didn't expect the boobs but it was still good.

Every time we would see it, we would start giggling like middle school boys.

When the pizza came, we paused the movie, and made our plates.

We ate while we watched the rest of the movie, which was a crazy idea since it was gory.

I really enjoyed it though, especially Jenna Ortega. She's one of my favorite actors and I would love to hang out with her one day.

When we finished it, we stood up and stretched. "Girl, did you take my lotion?" Paige asked when she walked in.

I couldn't help but laugh. "No, why would I take it?" I laugh as she shrugged. She looked at Colby and waved.

"I didn't know you were here." We explain how he was bored of editing and came over.

Paige ended up coming into my room and we gossiped. We talked about how Grant found the guy at the party's social media's.

Even though they talked, he forgot to ask for his social media. We then talked about how we're worried for Sam and Kat.

Colby says that they don't really fight, they both just have small arguments.

"I just feel bad for both. Sam's my brother and she makes him happy so it sucks." He frowns.

"Me too. Kat looked like she was about to cry when she said she couldn't decorate the house." I frown towards the two.

It was a sad situation because I loved seeing the two together. I just wanna help her the best I can.

It does make it harder too that I'm closer to Kat and tend to stick to her side.

As a girl who's in a relationship, I'd hate it if Colby and I were together that long, and he wouldn't want a future with me.

I want him to focus on his career and do what he loves, but to choose it in front of me would hurt.

Especially if I wanted to get married to him. I just think we need to be there for both.

We spent the rest of the night gossiping in my room about different people and some of our friends.

It was nice to have a chill night with the two, and it was nice to see Paige get along with Colby.

All I've ever wanted was my best friend and boyfriend to get along.

I'm just thankful for a lot right now.

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