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"Happy birthday!" I scream as I jump onto Colby's bed. Surprisingly, he jumped awake. I could tell he was confused for a moment.

I have the majority of the day planned out so I was very excited for it. Today was all about spoiling Colby and that's what I was going to do.

"How'd you get into the house?" He questioned while sitting up. "Sam let me in, duh." I said in an obvious voice.

He chuckled for a moment while checking his phone. It was nine thirty in the morning.

"You would think I would be sleeping in on my birthday." He teased as I laughed towards him.

"We have a big day of celebrating you." I smile. We're still going to dinner and clubbing later, I just wanted to do more for him.

He had a small smile on his face as he looked at me. "What are we doing?" He asked.

I had this really good idea that I think would be really fun, and I'm going to let him choose.

"Either we can go skiing or go rollerblading. Since it's your birthday, you can choose." I suggest to him.

"Snowboarding sounds really fun." I was hoping he would say that. I had a change of clothes in the car so I'm happy I brought it.

We both got changed so we could leave. Once we get ready, we go downstairs to see Sam downstairs.

He made sure to tell his best friend happy birthday. It was sweet seeing them talk to each other.

We eventually left the house and drove to the nearest ski resort. We got everything we needed and got rental snowboards.

I haven't been snowboarding since I was in high school. I went with a few friends that I haven't talked to in years.

Colby really seemed to enjoy himself and his day at the ski resort. We went down a few different slopes, trying to do the hardest one.

It took us a moment to warm up and get used to everything. "How's your birthday?" I asked him when we did a lunch break.

"It's been really fun, cold, but really fun." I was extremely happy to hear that. That's all I want is for him to have a perfect and amazing birthday.

We quickly ate lunch and then went back to the slopes. We spent the majority of the day at the slopes.

We did leave around four so we could get back to the house and get ready for dinner and the clubs.

As I drove back to the house, he slept which didn't bother me. He was up late last night and then I woke him up early so I know he's tired.

We're not even halfway done with it either. I know he wants to spend some time with Sam and we have dinner and the club to get to.

When we get to the house, I lightly shake his shoulder. He jolts awake and looks around for a moment, realizing where we're at.

We walk inside the house to see balloons, streamers, and other birthday stuff. "Happy Birthday, Colby!" Sam and Kat happily cheer.

This is the cutest thing. If I knew about it, I would've recorded it when I walked in.

Colby had the cheesiest smile on his face when he walked in. "This is fucking dope, thanks guys." He smiled.

I hung out down here with them for a little bit but I eventually went upstairs to get ready.

Colby said I could shower here so that's what I was going to do.

I quickly showered and put my outfit on. It was a plaid skirt with fishnets and a black long sleeved shirt.

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