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Nervous was an understatement for how I was feeling. Tonight was the night I was having my gig at the bar.

Singing for my tik tok in a parking garage and actually performing in front of people were two different things.

It was going to be my first time performing and I was a little nervous. I'm just thankful all of my friends are here.

I was doing some vocal warms up before I ran up there, my bandmates are setting their instruments up.

I have to wear an ear piece that'll help with my timing that Kurtis is controlling tonight.

The group should all be up front, ordering drinks. Once I was done, we were all ready to start.

"You got this guys. Good luck." I smiled at Kurtis comment as we went on stage. I introduced myself and the band as we went up there.

We were going to start out with Mentally Cheating knowing it was a good song.

I was still sorta nervous, but when I saw Colby's eyes, I smiled while singing.

It's like all my nerves went away when I made eye contact with him. He had the biggest smile on his face as he watched me.

Kat, Paige, and Grant were right up front with Colby, singing along with me.

Sam, Jacob, and Elliot were standing at the bar with beers in their hands.

Everyone else that I didn't know seemed like they were enjoying it a lot which made me happy.

We did some covers to different songs just so they can sing along if they wanted to.

I loved being up here performing, even though it's in a bar. The whole thing was an amazing experience.

When we finished performing, everyone clapped which made me happy. We go off the stage and I walk to Kurtis.

"Savannah! You all did so well." He smiled as he handed us all water bottles. I started chugging it knowing I was both extremely thirsty and hot.

As I chugged my water, Colby and the group rushed over towards me. Colby was the first one I hugged.

He rubbed my back as I laid my head on his chest. "You did so amazing out there, I'm so proud of you." He beamed.

I couldn't help but smile into his chest. All of my other friends congratulated me making me feel amazing.

I'm so thankful that they were able to come and support me. Having their support through all of this means the world to me.

"Girl, you did so good up there." Paige hyped me up, a smile coming onto my face.

It was definitely amazing being up there. I could tell that I was made to preform.

I remember when I was a kid, I would throw concerts for my parents but it doesn't feel anything like this.

I just can't wait to actually perform in front crowds of fans.

We hung out at the bar for awhile but sadly they closed so we all had to leave.

"You know what we should do? Night swimming." Grant spoke as we walked out of the car.

We all looked at him questionably. "It's December." Jacob spoke up while looking at him.

"I mean, our pool is heated so if you all wanna come, let's do it." Sam offered.

I think it'll be fun. I have bathing suits over at Colby's so it wouldn't be a hassle.

We all agreed that it'll be fun so we all make our ways to the house. When I get here, they pulled in a minute after me.

We all walk into the house so we could change into our bathing suits. Once I changed into mine, Colby had already changed.

The two of us walked down the stairs to see the lights in the backyard turned on.

Sam was messing with the heater whenever we walked out there.

It was freezing so I wrapped my towel around my body to warm myself up. "I turned it on before I changed so it's warming up."

I stuck my foot into the water and it felt pretty warm already. I might as well get in so I throw the towel on the ground next to the pool and get in.

I had my hair pulled up into a bun because I didn't want to get my hair wet. Eventually everyone came in which made me happy.

I can't remember the last time I night swam. I'm surprised that we didn't do it more in the summer.

We had a speaker playing music but we didn't want it to be too loud knowing it was late and we didn't want to wake up the neighbors.

It was nice to hang out with them. "Grant, for once, you had a good idea." I look at him as he smiles.

"It's not very often." We all start laughing at his comment. I never thought night swimming with everyone in December would be this fun.

We were all out here til about three in the morning and figured we could all stay here since it was late.

I went to Colby's room, changed, and laid down in his bed. I don't know how his bed is so comfortable.

It's a lot more comfortable than my bed in my apartment. We walked out his bathroom wearing sweats and nothing else.

I watched him walk to the bed and climb it. "What were your plans for tomorrow, Vanny?" He asked while I looked over at him.

"It depends on how much I sleep in. Why?" I question. He sat there for a moment and looked at me.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to help me Christmas shop." He offered. It did sound fun.

I know I wanted to give everyone a gift, including Kurtis. I have an idea of what to give everyone so I couldn't wait.

I told him I was down for it. The next morning whenever we woke up, we went to the mall.

We went to a bunch of different stores and found something for almost everyone.

I got Sam an athletic hoodie, I got Jacob a headset for his streams, I got Paige a cute purse, and I got Grant some new shirts.

I just need to find something for Elliot, Colby, and Kurtis. I can come back either by myself or someone else so I can get something for Colby.

The day was really good. I love seeing the Christmas decorations. They had a lot of kids there dressed up for Santa.

I tried to joke with Colby and sit on his lap but he didn't want to. He kept turning red and awkwardly laughing.

I just can't believe it's already almost Christmas. I feel like this year has flown by. I don't know if it's because of how busy I am or what.

I've also accomplished a lot this year. It makes me excited to see what I'm going to accomplish next year and hopefully it's a tour.

Even if it's just in North America, I'll be thrilled. I'm really excited to see where I'm going to be at in the next year or two with my singing.

Hopefully on a tour performing.

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