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The whole day I was back home with my parents was amazing. My parents had taken the day off so we could spend the whole day together.

We spent the day walking around Central Park even though it was freezing. They kept laughing at how I was complaining about the cold.

I didn't think I was this used to California heat already. We spent the whole day catching up and talking.

They asked a lot of questions about Colby and the friend group. I do wish Colby could come so I can show him New York.

At least he's with family. I was currently eating breakfast with my parents, scrolling through instagram.

"What are your plans for today, Savannah." My mom beamed at me. I thought about it for a moment.

"I have no idea. Probably go to Times Square." I shrug. My mom was silent for a moment.

My dad was actively watching football highlights when the doorbell rang.

"Can you get that, Sav?" My mom had a playful smile on her face. I didn't question anything knowing how I was still tired.

I wouldn't say I was jetlagged but I am tired from traveling yesterday. I go to the door and open it, expecting it was someone from FedEx.

I gasped whenever I saw who was on the other side of the door. It was Colby, his mom, his dad, and his brother Gage.

I was so surprised and shocked, I was completely speechless. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Kansas?" I asked him.

I stepped aside so I could let the four of them in. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask but I didn't know where to start.

"When I told my parents about us coming to New York for Thanksgiving, they really wanted to come." He started.

My parents walked over while he explained. "That's when I found your parents number and called them and told them I wanna surprise you."

I looked at them in shock to see my parents smiling happily. I can't believe they set this up for me.

This made Thanksgiving even better. "Oh my god. Where are you guys staying?" I question.

We have a guest room here but four people can't stay there. "We rented an AirBnB down the block." He informed me.

As Colby answered all of my questions, our parents introduced themselves to each other.

I was still in awe and in shock. I just think I couldn't believe they were here.

After the shock started to wear off, I looked over at his parents. His mom looked over at me and smiled.

"I'm really happy you guys could make it, Mrs. Brock." I genuinely smile as she steps to me.

"You can call me, Lesa dear. I'm happy we could make it too. I'm just really happy to finally meet you." I could feel my face heat up.

"Colby talks about you all the time." I look over at the brunette to see him blushing.

He tried to get her to stop but I thought it was absolutely adorable. I didn't know he talked about me to his parents.

Meeting them was absolutely amazing. I'm so happy that they're able to make it. They're going to come with us to the parade and eat with us.

They said how they always wanted to come to the parade in person so it worked out pretty amazing.

Since my parents had to work, I offered to take them around central park if they wanted to, which they agreed to.

I told them how I had to change quickly and to make themselves at home while they waited.

I quickly changed into leggings, a white tee-shirt, and a flannel. I put a beanie on as I walked down the stairs.

We didn't live too far away from central park so I told them we could walk. It would be easier than driving.

They were okay with that so once I had my keys and shoes on, we all walked out of my parents house.

I told them how we could stop at my parents bakery bookstore so they could check everything out there too.

It was nice walking around with his parents and getting to know them. They told us stories of him and Gage growing up.

We told them how we met and started talking and dating. They thought it was really sweet.

They asked a lot of questions about me too. It was mainly questions about how I got into singing and music.

They were really sweet and amazing to talk to. We ended up going to my parents bakery bookshop so we can get some food.

They seemed to really enjoy it. They got different stuff to eat and then walked around to look at the books.

"I'm really happy you guys could make it. It was an amazing surprise." I smile towards Colby.

We were currently sitting at a table while we drank our coffee. "Me too." I told Colby how I was hoping to take them to Time Square tonight.

I would during the day but it's a lot prettier and cooler at night. I also go to Time Square during New Years Eve and that was always fun.

My mom and dad wouldn't let me go until I was nine or ten because there's so many people, they would always worry something would happen.

I think Sam and Colby were planning on throwing a New Years Eve Party which I think would be really fun.

We spent the majority of the day walking around central park.

We then went to Time Square when it was dark but all the lights were lighting everything up.

I could tell his parents and Gage were in awe when we pulled up. I took pictures of them with it in the background.

As I did, some fans came over to us. Colby and I went over to them as his parents looked through the pictures.

"Can we get a picture?" They asked while looking over at us two. He sighed while looking at the two teenage girls.

"Don't get me wrong, I would but I'm currently trying to spend time with my family since it's been so long since I've seen them." He explained.

They nodded their heads like they understood. "I'll follow you guys on twitter though." A smile grew on their faces as he grabbed his phone.

They gave us their twitters so we could follow the two. They thanked us and then walked away from us.

I sigh while looking over at Colby. "I feel like that's gonna happen a lot this trip." He just shrugged it off and went back to his parents.

It was really nice showing everyone around some of my favorite spots in New York.

They did go to different stores to get some souvenirs. I think there's one day that Gage and Colby are gonna spend it together.

"You know what you should do on this trip?" Colby asked as we slowly walked back to the house.

I was gonna walk them back to the AirBnB so they could get ready for bed.

"Yeah, what's that?" I asked curiously. "You should get a tattoo." I'm not opposed to the idea.

Maybe I will. I don't see why I shouldn't. I'm just happy that Colby surprised me.

And that I could meet his family.

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