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It's been a little over a month since Colby's birthday and it's currently the day before my album comes out.

Grant and Paige went on tour and they text us in the groupchat often.

It's been kinda lonely in the apartment by myself but Colby's been staying with me.

He told me how the tension between Sam and Kat are growing stronger and he's been staying here to both get away and be here for me.

Any time we hang out with each other, we invite Jacob so it's been a lot easier to get to know him.

I did a stream with him and Kat one night and it was extremely fun. We kept joking around and laughing.

It made me want to hangout with him a lot more and I know he needs it. He's been missing Grant a lot.

I've seen video clips from their concerts and you can tell how happy they are while on stage.

I was currently cleaning the apartment knowing everyone's coming over to celebrate the album drop.

As I'm cleaning, I got a phone call from Colby. I answer it, not knowing why he's calling.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I question. "It's Sam and Kat." I sigh. It didn't sound good.

"They broke up." He explained the whole thing. He went to Target really quick and came back to Kat walking out while crying.

Her car was packed up so when he walked into the house, he found Sam crying on the couch.

He explained that Sam didn't want to hold Kat back any longer and Kat said that she didn't want to force marriage on him.

I feel so bad for them, they were together for so long. "Should I postpone the celebration?" I ask when he gets done explaining everything.

"Baby, this is your night so I think you should still have it. I just can't promise they'll both show up." That's understandable.

I won't force them to hang out with each other knowing they just broke up. Before I could say anything, there were knocks on my door.

I have a feeling of who it might be. I tell Colby how I think Kat's at my door so I get off the phone with him.

I go to the door and open it to see a sobbing Kat. "Sam and I broke up." She cried as I helped her inside.

I helped her to the couch and sat down with her. She talked about what happened and why they broke up.

I feel for her. It took a while for her to calm down and once she did, I told her how she can stay here until she finds an apartment.

"Tonight, you can be sad all you want during the album release but tomorrow, we're going to get you sexy looking and we're going to take photos."

She smiled and chuckled for a moment while wiping a tear. Colby told me how Sam feels bad but he's not in the mood to come over tonight.

I told him that it was perfectly okay and to tell Sam to let me know if he needs anything.

"Here, I have a good remedy for breaks up." I stand up from the couch and head to the kitchen.

I grab two bowls and make us two bowls of Ice Cream. I take them back to the living room and turn on The Vampire Diaries.

"Thank you for all of this. I know I came here like a blubbering whale." She both thanked and apologized.

"Hey, don't worry about it. That's what friends are for, right?" She nodded sadly.

Even though it wasn't much, I could tell this cheered her up. I could see her tear up at times but she would suck them away.

I told her how Colby, Jacob, Elliot, and Kurtis were about to come over after a while and she could leave.

That's if she wanted to. She shook her head no and faked a smile. "I'll be okay, Sav." She sounded like she was telling herself this.

"This is your night and I don't want to ruin it for you." I nodded my head as I stood up.

I made sure I looked decent before everyone showed up. I had on a sweater and regular black leggings.

I had on fuzzy socks while I walked out of my room. Even though she told me to enjoy myself, I was still worried about Kat.

As I walked out of my room, I heard knocks on the door. I go to answer the door to see Kurtis on the other side.

"There he is." I stepped aside so he could step inside. This was Kurtis' first time in my apartment so it was kinda strange.

I was used to seeing him in public, like his office or the recording studio.

He looked around at all the pictures and decorations. Eventually, everyone showed up so it wasn't too awkward with him here.

We decided that it would be fun to play Jackbox games so that's what we did.

It was a game connected to my playstation and you can use your phone to play. It keeps us entertained and everyone can play.

I can tell everyone was enjoying it, and luckily, Kat was enjoying herself too. She was laughing and playing along.

I'm just happy no one asked any questions about Sam. When we got bored with Jackbox, we did some karaoke.

I do wish everyone could be here, even Sam. It's weird not being with everyone but I'm happy that I get to see some of us.

Watching everyone sing and have fun was really fun tonight. When it hit five minutes until midnight, we stopped doing karaoke.

We had our eyes on our phones as we watched the time count down. Once midnight hit, we started playing my album.

Colby came over towards me and wrapped his arms around me happily.

I smiled into his chest, feeling some happy tears roll down my cheeks. My debut album is finally out.

I feel like I've waited for this day for years. It feels so good for it to be out. "I'm so proud of you, Vanny." Colby spoke.

My life couldn't be more perfect right now. A perfect friend group, a perfect boyfriend, and my music is finally coming out.

I let go of Colby so I could post something about how my album is finally out. I couldn't ask for anything better.

Kurtis came over to me with a smile on his face. "Congratulations." I made sure to hug him while we listened to the music.

Everyone stayed here for a while but they eventually left, even Colby. He said he wanted to check on Sam since he's sad.

Eventually it was just me and Kat. Paige said that if she wanted to, Kat could sleep in her room.

Kat agreed so I helped her take her stuff into her room. "Thanks again for letting me stay. It means a lot." She speaks.

It'll be nice to have a roommate again cause after not having one, it kinda sucked.

"Stay as long as you need. Let me know if you need anything." Kat nodded her head and smiled.

I know she needs some alone time so I walked away and into my room. I did my nightly routine and laid onto my bed.

Even though Sam and Kat broke up, I'm happy to see she had a good time tonight.

With my album out, I lay there and wonder what's in store for me next.

Hopefully it's a tour.

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