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Christmas came and flew by. I gave the friend group their presents before I flew to New York.

They really loved their presents which made me really happy. Spending time with my parents for Christmas was really nice.

It was nice to see and spend time with them. I hated leaving them but I was really happy knowing we were having our New Years party.

These next few days are gonna be rough. The New Years Eve party is tonight, tomorrow we're resting, and then it's Colby's birthday.

I'm going to take him out for dinner and then go clubbing with everyone.

I was currently at the liquor store knowing I told Sam and Colby I can pick some stuff up for the party tonight.

I already grabbed a couple bottles of Titos and a thing of White Claw. I grabbed the bottle of whiskey for Colby and went to the counter.

I paid for the bottles and alcohol and went to the boys house. I was excited for the party tonight.

I knew I didn't want to drink too much knowing I was going to go all out for Colby's birthday.

When I went inside, they were putting up the beer pong table. Depending on how many people show up tonight, it's going to be hot.

I'll be in and out of the house to cool off. They told me Kat was upstairs getting ready so I went up to her and Sam's room.

I went in to see her straightening her hair. "Well don't you look cute." I grab her attention.

She smiled as she finished the last section of her hair. She unplugged it from the wall as she stood up.

"Can you believe we're already at the new year?" She asked in shocked. I know I couldn't believe it.

So much shit has happened this year. I left my parents house in New York and moved across the country, literally.

I finally met Paige and Grant, the three of us becoming close. I met Elliot and started a fling with him.

Then Colby saw one of my videos which brought me to the group and I eventually fell for him which caused me and Elliot to fight.

That might've been a good thing though because then him and Paige became closer and eventually got together.

I got signed with a record and I've had multiple singles and an EP out. I'm also starting to perform and will have an album out soon.

There's still so much to happen next year. Hopefully I get to go on tour and I'll have an album come out.

Twenty twenty-two was a great successful year for me so I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for me.

Eventually, everyone gets to the house so we start pregaming before the main crowd gets here.

We do our normal routine when people start showing up and they start making their rounds of going to the couch.

We all make our predictions of what's going to happen to either us or the group in general.

We then decided to make a game out of it and if we think the prediction we say could actually happen, we take a shot.

It took less than an hour for the house to be almost packed with people.

Once the two came back from making their rounds, they joined in on the game.

I was buzzed at this point and I didn't want to get too intoxicated. I know that I had a meeting with Kurtis tomorrow.

We all talked to each other until we had ten minutes left of the year. I don't know why but I was feeling jittery.

We all kept looking and checking the time. When there's one minute til the new year, we all start counting down.

"Three, two, one! Happy New Year!" We all start cheering. I get on my tippy toes, wrap my arms around Colby's neck, and kiss him.

I swear, every time I kiss him I feel the electricity go through my body.

That's how I know Colby's the one for me because I never felt that when I've kissed anyone else.

After midnight, some of the people started leaving. Eventually it was just the group. Paige and Kat were wasted.

I was feeling the alcohol but I wasn't on the level they were on. They kept making stupid jokes and giggling.

Jacob and Grant were passed out on the couch while Sam was in the kitchen making pizza rolls.

I was starting to get tired so I got up from the couch and went up to Colby's room.

I change into his clothing and climb into his bed. I almost instantly fell asleep in his bed.

When I woke up, Colby was asleep in the bed next to me. I love waking up next to Colby.

I look over at him as he slept. He looked peaceful. His mouth was slightly open so there were small snores coming out of his mouth.

I wish I could stay here with everyone but I need to go talk to Kurtis. He wants to talk about the album and when that's going to come out.

I sadly climb out of bed and decide to just leave in Colby's clothes.

I don't feel like changing into last nights clothes so his sweats and hoodie will do.

I go downstairs quietly because I don't know who's awake and still asleep. I'm happy I only have a minor headache.

I get into my car and head towards the studio. When I get there, I make sure to park my car and walk in.

The lady at the front desk told me Kurtis was in his office so I thank her and walk towards it.

When I walked in, he was sitting at his desk. He looked at me as I walked in and started smiling.

"How fucked up did you get last night?" He asked while chuckling. "Not much knowing if I did, I would be throwing up." I tease.

I sit in the chair in front of his desk so we could talk. I make sure to get comfortable as I look over at the blonde.

"We have a date ready for your album." I went from being comfortable to being on the edge of my seat.

"How does February fourth sound?" He asked when he found it on his phone. I thought it was a good date.

It's not too far away but it's also not too soon. "I think it's perfect." I smiled while leaning back.

He told me that we're going to announce it today, if I was okay with that and of course I was.

I was totally excited for it to come out. I can't wait for everyone to listen and to see what everyone's favorite songs are.

My favorite is probably Mentally Cheating because it was the first song I ever wrote, recorded and put out there.

We talked about the album and what songs we wanted to use for music videos.

We then talked about different days we can film on and what would be easier.

The meeting with him wasn't too bad but it did get kinda boring at times.

I just can't wait for February fourth.

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