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I didn't realize how much laundry I had to get done until I started working on it this morning.

I came over knowing Paige would be gone, I just don't know when she's supposed to come back.

That's why I'm trying to hurry and get everything done as fast as I can. Colby said I could stay with him as long as I needed to.

I already showered and I have my second load in the washer now. Hopefully this meeting will last a while so I can leave before she gets here.

I won't lie, I'm nervous to see her, that's if I do. I've had my headphones on as I tried to get everything ready.

Once I got my clothes hung up, I turned back to the door so I could check on my other load of laundry.

I gasp rather loudly when I see Paige standing at my door rather awkwardly. Fuck. My music was so loud, I guess I didn't hear her come in.

I took them off as we just looked at each other. There was sadness in her eyes as she looked at me.

"I didn't think you would be here." She finally spoke up. I bit my lip as I looked over at her.

"I figured I would do laundry while you were gone." She nodded her head like she understood.

We were both quiet for a moment. "You're still pissed at me, aren't you?" I nodded my head towards her.

I suck in a breath before speaking. "I just wanna know why you didn't tell me?" I ask curiously.

She thought about it for a moment. "I was wanting to, I just didn't know how." I shook my head for a moment.

"You're my bestfriend, Paige. So knowing you felt like you couldn't come to me about this, hurt." I admit to her.

She bit her lip out of sadness. "Of course I want you to be happy with whoever." I start, trying to stay calm.

"It's just the fact you bashed me for our relationship almost the whole time so I had so many questions." I explain.

She nodded her head again. "I didn't have feelings for him when you were a thing if that was a question." She spoke up.

That was nice to know. "I was just drunk and he was too and we were talking and I realized how funny he was."

She sucked in a breath knowing she was about to cry. "I didn't mean to hurt you and I understand why you're mad." She sadly spoke.

"He wanted to tell you when we first started getting serious but I was so scared." I could see a tear run down her face.

She quickly wiped it as I sat down on the bed. I patted the spot next to me as she walked over and sat down.

"Paige, if Elliot is the one that makes you happy, then I'm happy for you." I started out.

"Just please don't hide it from me." She laughed a little while wiping one of her tears.

She nodded her head towards me as I smiled. Paige is my best friend. She's one of the reasons why I moved here.

"So, are we good?" She asked hopefully. I nodded my head while I looked at her. "Of course. So, how did your meeting with Grant go?" I asked.

A small smile formed on her face. "We're going on tour." I dropped my jaw in surprise.

I was so excited for her. "We start going on tour in February. It's just going to be in America so nothing crazy."

I was so happy for both of them. She explained how they're performing in venues so it's not going to be in stadiums.

They've been wanting to do this for so long so I was so happy for them. "We need to tell everyone else!" I happily say.

That's when we decided to text the group and invite them over tonight so we can tell them all.

They were all down so we both started cleaning the apartment. I texted Colby privately to let him know that I made up with Paige.

He said he was surprised but extremely happy that we made up.

Once everything we get everything cleaned and hung up, I light some candles.

I tell Paige how we need to go to Target and Bath and Body Works soon so we can get Christmas decorations and candles.

She said if I didn't have plans tomorrow, we should go then. When we finished, we sat on the couch and waited for everyone to show up.

Grant was the first one to show up. When Paige and I were fighting, I told Grant about it, and he had no idea about them being a thing either.

"So, we're all good and friends again?" The two of us nodded our heads as he sat down and smiled.

"How excited are you for the tour?" I ask knowing it'll be easier to talk to him now before everyone gets here.

He explains how he's extremely happy about it and he's nervous about what Jacob is going to think.

"You need to stop hiding Jacob." I laughed a little. He smiled and blushed whenever he was brought up.

"Sam invited him out to the club with us when we go for his birthday." Sam's birthday is in a couple days, and everyone's going to the club to celebrate.

I haven't talked to him much the past few days since he accused me of being jealous.

I know he didn't mean anything by it, I was just exhausted and upset. As we sat there and talked, Jacob walked in.

I think Jacob and Grant would look really good together. As we waited, we got to know Jacob a little more.

He did a lot of twitch streaming but wasn't too popular there yet. I was going to have to follow and watch some of his stuff.

I know that Kat goes on twitch sometimes and does random drinking streams. I don't really know how to work it.

Slowly but surely, everyone started to show up. They were confused about why they were here, but didn't ask any questions.

Sam looked over at me and walked over as I opened a water bottle in the kitchen. "Hey, I just wanted to apologize for the other day."

I looked at the blonde softly. I know he's been stressed with the arguments with Kat and meetings and stuff.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it." I accept his apology. He seemed surprised for a moment, and then he looked relief.

Before he could say something else, Grant and Paige started talking to everyone.

"Okay, so we gathered everyone here for a reason." Paige spoke.

Everyone was quiet while they waited for the news. "We're going on tour, bitches." There some laughs and some gasps.

Everyone made sure to congratulate the pair. I was extremely happy for them. They've been wanting to do this forever.

They answered a bunch of questions, like when, where, and how long. I could see happiness all over the two faces.

As I stood in the kitchen and watched everyone talk, my phone started ringing. I looked down to see it was Kurtis.

I didn't want to interrupt their time so I stepped into the hallway. "Hey, is everything okay?" I asked when I answered it.

"Everything's perfect, I just had some news I think you'd like to hear." He explained. I wonder what he had to tell me.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked curiously. I could feel him beaming through the other side of the phone, so I feel like it's good.

"I found a bar that's looking for someone to perform. I think it'll be perfect for you." He beamed.

I've been waiting for this news forever. This is the next step that I need to take, and I wanted to take it.

"Sign me up."

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