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These past couple of weeks have been pretty long. Everyone was thrilled, both my friend group and my fans, about my EP.

We've been busy writing songs in the studio and recording during the week. I think we were going to get Paige and Grant to be guests on it.

We were working really hard on this and we were going to try to get a few music videos out too.

Since it's Saturday, I finally have the whole day off. Some of us were going to Hollywood Horror Nights.

Grant's busy with the guy he meant from the party, Jacob. He didn't say what they were doing but I'm sure they were hanging out.

Sam and Kat were going on their own date night so it was going to be me, Colby, Elliot, and Paige.

The boys were coming to the apartment and I was going to be driving. I was currently getting ready in my room as I had Halloween music playing.

I had on black skinny jeans, a brown shirt, and a flannel. I didn't want to dress up too much knowing I might be running around a lot.

Horror movies don't scare me too bad but people sneaking up behind me gets me.

I scream extremely loud but I always end up laughing at myself. I know it's just people behind there.

As I tied my vans, Paige walked in. "I'm ready and bored." She complained as she flopped down on my bed.

I laughed as I looked down at her. She had on black skinny jeans and a brown sweater.

She looked really cute. She had her makeup done and her hair pulled up into a ponytail.

"I'm almost ready." I informed her as I stood up. I grabbed everything I needed as I heard the door opened up.

"Where's some of my favorite Tik Toker's?" Colby asked, Paige speaking up saying that we're in my room.

He was wearing black skinny jeans, a black hoodie, and a leather jacket. He looked really good.

"Hi, honey." I smile as he came over and lightly kissed my lips. Paige started fake gagging which made me laugh.

I asked her if she'd heard from Elliot and Colby said he should be here soon. He said they talked to each other on the way.

It wasn't five minutes later until Elliot was walking in. We talked for a few minutes and went into my car.

Paige and Elliot were sitting in the back while I drove and Colby sat next to me. I was honestly really excited for this.

I've always wanted to come to Hollywood Horror Nights. I've heard about it since I was a teenager.

When we pulled in and parked, the sun was starting to go down. There was fog at the entrance with spooky music playing.

I couldn't help but look around at everything. "You know, you're really cute when you're excited." Colby spoke as he looked at me.

I blushed as I continued walking. Next thing I know, someone screamed at me.

I screamed rather loudly and then instantly started laughing.

The character then jumped into Paige's face causing her to scream and jumped behind Elliot.

He walked away causing us to start walking again. "I'm gonna end up shitting on myself by the time we walk out of here." Paige joked with us.

"I'll pay to watch that." Colby teased causing her to roll her eyes. I really did like how they got along with each other.

Hollywood Horror Nights ended up being extremely fun. We rode different rides and we went through some haunted houses.

We did get recognized a few times which didn't bother me. It was honestly a blast, and I would for sure come here again.

When we left, we ended up going to get food. We went to a McDonald's since it was one of the only places open.

We all laughed about different things that happened tonight and some of our favorites moments.

I would totally come here again and do it with them again. I could tell everyone had a good time with each other.

"I'm just happy Paige didn't shit her pants." I tease her as she flips me off. I could hear both boys chuckling along.

After spending the last couple of weeks in the studio, I needed this night with everyone.

We drove back to the apartment, Elliot didn't stay long. Paige went off to her room knowing she was tired and wanting to take her makeup off.

"Paige seemed a little close to Elliot tonight, did you notice that?" Colby asked as we went into my room.

I then started looking for something to wear to bed. "No. What do you mean?" I ask laughing while thinking about it.

I don't see Paige having a crush on Elliot. She's way too focused on her music career.

Plus she shit talked me for the majority of the time we were hooking up because of the age difference.

"Like, whenever she would get scared, she would practically jump into his arms." He explained.

I just laughed as I grabbed pajama shorts and a t-shirt. "If you're trying to tell me that she has a thing for him, I doubt it."

He sighed as he looked at me. "Why do you think that?" He questioned. I thought about how I could word this.

"Don't get me wrong, Paige has every right to find someone to be happy with." I started out.

"I just don't think it's right for her to have a thing for Elliot when she didn't feel comfortable when we were a thing." I explain.

I could see him shift when I said the last part. "Plus it's kinda breaking girl code." I sigh.

I feel bad for thinking like this but I can't help it. "Do you think she always had feelings for him?" He asked making a good point.

"If she did, she hid them away from me for a long time." I sit on the bed next to him while thinking.

"It's not even the fact it's possible feelings for Elliot. It's how she treated me when we were kinda a thing."

I would feel the same way if it was reversed and I had a fling with Colby but got with Elliot and she got with Colby even though she didn't approve of it.

"That's understandable, but then again Sam and I became friends because we liked the same girl." He tried to point out.

"Yeah but Sam didn't make you feel bad for being with her and then turned around and got with her." He just sighed, feeling defeated.

I just hope that if she truly wants to be with him, she comes to me about it. I changed my clothes in the bathroom and did my skincare routine.

Colby eventually left because he was starting to get tired. I told him if he was too tired he could stay here, but he just shook his head.

I just made him promise to text him whenever he gets back home. I lay in my bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

I woke up in a cold sweat, trying to catch my breath. I sit there for a moment and gather the nightmare I had last night.

I had one that Elliot and Paige got together and they stopped talking to me.

The last thing I remember was something Paige said in my dream.

She told me she was only my friend for my tik tok fame and Elliot. I texted Colby so I could see if he was down to talk.

"Are you okay in here?" Paige asked while coming into my room. I didn't want to worry her or start a fight.

"Yeah, just a bad dream." She frowned at me for a moment. "I'm sorry. I'll see you later, I'm running errands."

I just nod my head as she leaves. I sigh as I lean back into my bed, covering my face with my blanket.

I need to stop overthinking.

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