the talk

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trevor realizes that charles sees him, and smiles an evil grin that makes charles jump off the sofa

susie wakes up when charles jumped.

"are you okay charlie?" susie said, tired.

susie sat up and looked around as she yawned.

did she feel the eyes on her too?

"hey charles, do you see that face too?" susie pointed at the window

"uh, yeah. it kinda looks familiar" charles said.

"yeah, i was thinking that too" susie said "i'll go see who it is"

"alright, be safe. do you want me to go with you?" charles asked her.

"yeah, if you want to come" susie said, and by then there was a knock on the door.

susie opened the door to see trevor standing there, wearing a white dress shirt with mud stains over it. he was wearing black sweatpants with the bottom of a red tie poking out of the left pocket.

maybe it rained during the movie?

"hey..." trevor said, nervous.

"not now trev, what do you want now?" susie sighed.

"uh, charles- i need to talk to charles..." trevor said, susie looked back at charles

"i dont know anything about this, whatever your.....on about" charles looked at the mud on his shirt.

"charles your dating my sister, i think you know what i'm on about" trevor said.

trevor tried to walk into the house put susie stopped him.

"we can talk, but outside. your mud can not touch my sofa" susie said, and they all stepped outside.

the wind was breezy, and the grass was slightly wet.

"how long have you been standing outside?" susie asked.

"eh, when i got here you were asleep" trevor said. 

"makes sense, i only noticed you when you woke up" susie said.

"alright, enough joking. charles you gotta break up with her, man" trevor said.

"why? your dating my mum, i think i'm allowed to be in love with your sister" charles said, him and susie shared a smile.

"because- charles... theres things i cant tell you, you just need to break up with her before you find it out yourself" trevor sounded out of breath

"why dont you tell me then? maybe if i found out sooner then later then i wont be as mad" charles said.

susie didnt know what trevor was about to say, maybe something about himself or their family?

"alright, but charles. you already hate me, i-i dont want you to hate me more" trevor said.

"whats so bad about it?" charles was confused.

"i'll just get to the point, yeah? um- when- when you and susie first got together she was sleeping around with me" trevor said

"what..." charles' eyes were wide, his hands dropped to his side

"charles wait, its not--" susie started but trevor stopped her

"i didnt know she was dating anyone, and she refused to tell me. i only knew when you told me last night. i stopped when i started dating marie" trevor said, he said it fast like he only had 5 seconds to explain.

"you-  charles, you dont believe that? r-right?" susie asked, her face went pale and her eyes were widened.

charles eyes widened even more

she's nervous, he isnt lying

charles looked between trevor and susie as the phrase you got cheated on kept repeating in his head

you got cheated on

you got cheated on

you got cheated on

you got cheated on



"enough! susie why would you...? god......why would you think to do that?" charles said, not holding anything back.

"charles, trevor just wants you to be unhappy. he is dating your mother after all" susie said.

"gaslighting isnt cool" trevor said.

"ugh, fine. yes charles i did sleep around with trevor during the month we had our first few dates, i didnt think we would get serious. but now we're serious and i wont do it again" susie explained

was it true?

"susie you slept with me 2 weeks ago, charles said you two have been serious for 8 months" trevor said, staring into her soul as she didnt know what to say.

they have been serious for 8 months, but how did trevor know? he wasnt gonna ask

"i-its true, im sorry. i know i messed up" susie said

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