running it through trevor (dream ver)

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everything that happens in this chapter is in charles' nightmare, in his mind. its not true, its not real and it didnt actually happen anywhere else except charles' paranoid mind



"trevor, we need to talk" charles said.

"what happened?" trevor asked.

"just- follow me" charles said.

"alright" trevor said, walking up the stairs behind charles.

they got into charles bedroom and locked the door.

"so, what did you call me up here for?" trevor asked.

"um- so, i spoke with carter and he said i deserve better" charles said.

"deserve better then what? your friendship with him?" trevor asked.

"no, he said i deserve better then to have an open relationship" charles said.

"you and him arent having an open relationship, so why should he say that?" trevor asked.

"Trevor. he was saying that about me and you" charles said.

"okay so tell him off? tell him different?" trevor suggested.

"trevor he's right and i want to break up" charles said, sternly.

"you- you what?!" trevor said.

usually based by trevors actions, he would be sad, he'd cry.

but now, his eyebrows arched in a fit of rage.

he was angry.

"he cant decide that- you cant do that!" trevor yelled.

because of the childhood car crash, charles' ears were heavily sensitive to the tone of yelling that trevor was speaking at, and trevor knew exactly.

charles covered his ears.

"you dont want to hear me yell?! you freak!" trevor said.

"uh no- i just- you know that-" charles said before he was shut up by trevor, lifting him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

charles couldnt call for help, his throat was closing from fear.

charles couldnt stomp on the floor to send signals downstairs, him and trevor were gonna be home alone for the next 2 days.

"TREV- STOP- HELP!!" charles yelled, the only thing he could yell.

"say one more thing and i'll cut off your tongue" trevor said.

charles nodded his head in the 'no' position.

"you can't decide that, you useless cunt" trevor said.

trevor then pulled a rope out of nowhere, connected it to the handle for the attic in charles' room, and tied the rope to each of charles wrists.

"LET ME GO" charles yelled at the top of his lungs, before trevor threw a baseball bat at his head and knocked him out.

when he woke up, he was still tied in the same position.

the rope was definitely tighter, and he could tell he also ripped apart the rope, meaning trevor had broken the rope and charles had fell on the floor.

his body ached everywhere  and he had a pounding headache.

his legs were also tied down, they were tied to the radiator by his ankles, and secured by metal pins.

how did trevor do all this in a short amount of time?

even so, how did he just have all of this on standby?

he must've been planning this for a while

there was blood everywhere, not pools but just splats and stains

it was nighttime outside, charles was tired and his body was tired but he couldnt fall back asleep for the likes of it.

"oh, your awake? time for round two of tortue" trevor said, walking in the door ans shutting it behind him.

he had a box in his hands, that was obviously carrying metal things. tools, maybe?

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