control? more like broken

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(this is what happened right before the 'Trevors Life Is Reverse-Living' chapter)

"did i get through to them? did i break the control?" charles said, quietly, outloud.

"maybe trevor isn't for me, but i still think he's cool after seeing the real him" charles said, his vision started to refocus, causing him to be incredibly dizzy.

"i hope he doesn't go back to the 'i fucked your mum' kinda guy he was before he kidnapped me" charles said, he could finally stand up and touch things around his room.

"he did that all for me, he cared about me enough to warn me about his sisters true motives" he began to feel things around his room, stabilizing himself. he was back to reality, he was real again. did he have to get used to this?

"i can control my own body again? i should go talk to trevor, i need to go apologise" charles said, getting up.

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