We all hate each other

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This topic was triggered by a recent interview I have watched of Caitlyn Jenner with two young individuals.
Caitlyn Jenner as you all know was Bruce Jenner,A renowned former Olympic decathlon athlete and is also the ex husband of Kris Jenner.He is now,or she rather,is now Caitlyn Jenner,a proud transgender woman...Yes you've read correctly and for most of you who don't know,Bruce Jenner has six children with 3 of his former wives,the last being Kendal And Kylie Jenner.

Bruce Jenner came out publicly about being transgender in 2015 and has been an advocate for people of the same community.The interview I watched wasn't anything out of the ordinary,she was simply trying to explain why she is the way she is and why what people thought,drove her to bury her true self and hide who she was.She asks the young man and woman if they were left or right handed,to which they both responded right.She then informs them that she is left handed and proceeds to ask them why is it , that they are right handed and she is left handed?The young man responds :"I guess it's just the way we were born."..... Caitlyn looks at the young man and responds:"Ah."

She explained that as kids ,they were generally taught to write with their right hand because it's a majority right handed world..Not everyone can do that.See if you're not right handed ,how can you force yourself to  write with the right hand when the pen feels comfortable in your left hand?The legibility in your writing becomes better, your ability to put words to paper increases.It feels natural and it feels familiar. They spoke about how Caitlyn used holloween as a gateway to be who she was truly without judgement because to outsiders,it was a costume...Bruce would just go back to being a man tomorrow right.? What stings me the most is the pain in her eyes when she talks about hiding herself because of people....Always the bloody people and what they will think.

The awful reality is that there are truly hateful and resentful people in this world that have no incentive in life than to judge people as if it's a competitive sport for no particular reason.They exact hatred upon people just because they aren't the epitome of what their perception of a person should be.Let me explain......Bruce Jenner was afraid to be who he was yes?When he finally came out, besides being rediculed,and insulted and attacked ,he was also accused of being a fraud.Accused of faking the desire to be a woman just for attention, because his glory days were over?I mean ,why would a man have impregnated 3 woman?married 3 woman and then go on to have 6 children respectively from these woman?That doesn't sound like a man who isn't attracted to woman or even possesses the slightest character traits of a woman,that sounds like a man who is simply confused and this phase of insanity will slowly fade away inevitable into the next scandal or dramatic story.The truth is society's idealogies instill fear in people.Fear of not being accepted,rejection,fear of being hated and cast out like a common street mutt....Of course in this day and age ,Society has adapted and expanded it's criteria of what exactly is acceptable and normal.Now there are hoards of homosexual, non-binary, transgender,bisexuals etc that are openly living their lives out.Peoples hatred is like a virus,and although many people dont care about what people think of them,,,there is always a boiling point.A peak point of which the maximum quota of pain, hatred, rejection and judgement has been exacted and they cannot simply continue to act as if it doesn't cause them immense pain.See,none of these people randomly woke up and decided :"Okay ,I'm gay from now on or maybe I should just change my gender altogether."....It isn't a random choice on a menu at a restaurant.Who we truly are,has always been within us,and some or most of us chose to bury it deep within ourselves and prance around being someone acceptable for the public... Then society still judges you because of course.....there is always someone who thinks your hair is weird or your nose is too big.All shallow and baseless thinking from people who don't even have and shouldn't have a say.All those people who had the courage to be who they are have an immense strength and bravery that I will never match up to.
The pain that goes with openly being who you are is well worth it,but it is in fact painful.

Leave aside the hatred surrounding transgender,gay,black or white,we have the murderers.The ones who choose to play God and makes it their decision to take someone's life.Debra Jeter was a nurse and mother to two beautiful daughters.She had fetched her daughters from their father's house one day and claimed she had a surprise for them.3 hours later she makes a 911 call telling the operator that she had murdered her children and she was at an abandoned house.Her 12 year old daughter was declared dead at the scene and the 13 year old was still alive and fighting for her life.Despite being a nurse she didn't assist her daughter and instead urged the operator to hurry up with the ambulance.She was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.One daughter survived the ordeal.Debra is one of many murderers and criminals in this world,and I hate to say it,but this world well populated with killers and criminals of every kind.People have lost themselves.To kill your own child like it was nothing ,how much hatred and evil do you have to have in your heart to actually resort to that?There's no value or appreciation for human life.Children are brought into this world by irresponsible and abusive and evil parents all the time.Unfortunately many children suffer at the hands of their parents or guardians or relatives.Abuse and negligence are a daily reality for some children.My question is,if you hate children so much,or didn't want to have a child in the first place then why bring the child into the world to suffer?Termination of the pregnancy is far more logical then putting the child through a life or torment and misery at the hands of parents who didn't deserve to have kids.Why do people have kids just to consider them burdens and treat them as such?I don't understand.Humanity is partially responsible for the anarchy that has ensued in this world,and I suppose God also didn't fathom that humanity would lose themselves,become so lost that they destroy each other completely.

I don't endorse hatred or judgement of any kind because I do in fact love people however ...they are full of crap sometimes.I have endured so much of people's crap that I my dream was to love on a remote island with a one way access to the place,which was via aircraft of boat...*sigh.I kind of still do want to do that.See,we all have the capacity to accept each other and encourage each other to be who we are and live our lives fully.The problem is.....some people just can't.Children are naturally loving and accepting,it's only when the world taints them ,that they are conditioned into believing certain idealogies as the truth.For example....race.Race is a very controversial topic which has too many layers to delve into thoroughly but in simple terms,race is one of the biggest aspects upon which judgement flies around raucously.Through out history race has been the foundation of oppression ,violence ,degradation and humiliation.Black people were oppressed in America and south Africa,indians were enslaved by the British...these are but some of the harsh treatments that some races endured just because of .....well their race....and the fact that they were considered low class,mediocre if you will.To me a person is a person,no matter the colour of their skin.There are some people who still judge and condemn other races to this day.Dont get me started on religion.People can seriously quarrel about religion and race instead of understanding and co-existing in harmony and peace.It can't be that you are black and I am white,therefore I am above you,you are beneath me,I deserve better facilities , resources,treatment and status than you.I have I am better than you ,you are inferior and should not have any authority.You are mediocre because of the colour of your skin.It is sad but true.Certain races endured abuse and judgement to this very day and since it's completely Impossible to alleviate the stigma ,people just learn to live with it.Those strong enough to ignore people's judgment continue with their  lives peacefully.The rest of them simply tolerate it because the reality is,there is always going to be people that will judge and degrade a person no matter what they do or who they are.

Besides race, religion, sexual orientation etc....there are hundreds of aspects that cause people to judge and spread hatred and cause conflict.I mean.....wars have been waged and lives have been lost because of people's inability to maintain peace and live in harmony.I don't think God fathomed his creation would fight and bicker amongst themselves for absolutely no good reason or more importantly,I don't think God realized how stupid we would all be.No offence but we humans are so stupid.So many wars and murders and conflicts could have been avoided of people stopped to think and realized that no war is worth losing lives or murdering people doesn't make them feel good.Not everyone has a conscience and not everyone has a good heart.Ive seen how bitter and evil and people with no remorse are.You can make a change yourself ,because good always overpowers evil.Showing kindness and love,being generous and hospitable,caring about feelings and accepting people for who they are,spreading positive energy is what is needed.To love everyone equally and live harmoniously is peace In itself

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