I swear by my vulgarity

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This is one topic that's a bit sensitive when it comes to different people of different backgrounds.Why? Most religions are against it because of "Having a filthy tongue and praying to God with the same mouth".Some people believe it is downright disrespectful,some people feel it is low and degrading,some people feel that swearing distinguishes the high class people from the low class.That is how sensitive this topic is.In my opinion swearing is therapeutic.Now before someone comes at me with a knife and a Bible declaring that swearing is for sinners let me explain.
See I am of Indian descent,and it is known in most parts of the world that Indians are a strict and very conservative community.So with that being said,an Indian child,, especially an Indian girl swearing is completely forbidden.This for us is a low- class,uncouth habit to have.Besides that this also makes the girl ineligible for marriage.There's many factors that could make an Indian bride ineligible for marriage but a loose tongue is quite frankly one of those factors.The older generation certainly had more respect when it came to this but now they're projected through songs,imagery and television.

I started swearing when I was a small child to be honest,a few curse words here and there out of anger.As soon as I entered high school, vulgarity was in my DNA and I had to swear after every 3rd or 4the word.I thought it was cool to swear,I thought it would popularize me.Now no one told this to me I just had that belief.My mum is quite vulgar and I grew up hearing... Well the worst parts of this colorful language however I heard it everywhere.I wasn't restricted much as a child,I had access to movies not suitable for children and music with curse words without hinderance and this much influenced my facination and well.... Admiration for it.See it is used in anger on normal occasions but now it's a norm.We swear because we want to swear, not because we were in a heated spat and wanted to ungraciously insult our victim.Society has built a wall of normality around it and because we are taught from a young age which words are 'bad' or 'naughty' we were told silly stories as to what would happen if we used them.I have no problem with swearing,I believe you should speak your mind,whatever discontent you may or may not have you must release it.Release the frustration.Whatever is in your heart or mind say it,and own it.Swearing is like a naughty language that we arent supposed to use.

We come across different types of people and there are multiple derivatives of vulgarity.A lot of people morphe these curse words into completely new ones,each more vividly imaginative and also vulgar then the next.Swearing was meant to display an extensive level of discontent,a forbidden language of sorts but as I mentioned earlier it is much more then that as the world advances everyday into a sort of much more wrecked and reckless era.There is a certain truth to vulgarity,to me it is a raw and open.I swear to place more emphasis on whatever topic I may be speaking about.A dramatic effect of sorts but also to portray discontent.This world is a very dark place and humans are very very corrutible.At one point I believed that some humans with less power or dominance in the world feel that having control over the vulgarity in the way they speak makes them feel that power and dominance.It gives them a sense of confidence and for me that is partly an underlying factor.It gives me character.

Some people also find swearing amusing,some people grew up In a severely strict environment that swearing was one of the boundaries not to cross.Now a lot of people will disagree with me and say it is wrong and disrespectful to swear.Yes I absolutely agree to a certain extent.Having respect in the way you speak to people is very important.You have to be selective towards groups of people that you choose to use curse words around.For example I despise small children who use swear words around elders and adults.That for me pushes my buttons beyond limits.People your age won't take offence as much because they are used to it.Elderly however deserve to be spoken to properly.Respect is important but also reciprocated respect is just as important.I respect those who respect me regardless of age.Here's why,elderly people tend to judge and look down upon you,some even compare you to their children to demean you because you didn't do as well as theirs.Not all but some of them do.They grew up in a different generation where it was okay to talk about peoples kids,their dressing, their tattoos and also when it was okay to exert all the dominance and authority without any resistance or rebellion.Children were a lot more obedient and passive in their ways.In today's generation however, none of that is tolerated,hell I don't even tolerate it.If you are under 18,staying at your parents house you do not rebel against authority but if you feel that your parents arguments and disciplinary methods are unfair you can plead your case.If you're an adult however ,you get what you give. You mistreat me, I mistreat you.You disrespect me I disrespect you.You treat them as they treat you. This brings me to my point that when you select who you swear around or who you swear and talk to,people will appreciate the level of respect and understanding you have for why it's not okay to speak to or around them in that manner.Some people will tell you for example that they have little kids and using vulgarity will cause them to think that it's okay to talk like that. I can respect and understand that.Some people will say it makes them uncomfortable or feel that you're hostile.You see,you have to be careful,mature and realistic towards the situations and type of people you choose to swear around.I however am not against it.I swear.I swear a lot.I don't restrict myself or allow society to dictate my behaviour because I have respect and appropriacy is distinctly important.I know when and when not to.

What inspired me to write a part on vulgarity and swearing was when I was watching a certain tv show.A day-time tv show in which obviously swearing was prohibited.Swearing was used by the host to display his utter shock at something an audience member had asked him and obviously the audiences reactions were divided.Some were amused while others were judgemental.It's a debatable topic and I was thus fired into writing a small piece on it's use.
I feel like some elderly people will get offended because you won't let them offend you.I felt like the judgmental audience wasn't necessary.This world is so utterly idiotic and also chaotic that it is a possibility that there is no person that currently walks this earth and more or less not cursed.It is vital to use your tongue in the correct manner because as the saying so clearly puts it,the tongue has no bone but has the ability to hurt you immensely.

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