A prayer for difficult times -When you're in a corner and have no way out...

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I know ,I know,given my last few chapters about religion etc....I am a mess and am not qualified in any way to talk about prayer....but let me just leave this prayer here,for all of you that are at rock bottom,that are alone and afraid and suffering,for those that are on the verge of ending their lives,for those that feel like they can't breath.I know everyone feels like their problems are so bad and nobody can possibly understand them but take it from someone who is so religiously and spiritually conflicted,who cannot even find a path or faith to follow.I offer this prayer because it comes from my heart,it hasn't been taken from anywhere or duplicated or anything of that sort.It is a uniquely constructed prayer that I know will help you,that will give you unending strength.It is for all religions because in this prayer we are talking to God as a whole and not separating him or dissecting him according to religion.We are simply praying,so memorize this prayer,close your eyes and focus only on God,and say this prayer everyday before bed .You will feel a heavy weight lift off your shoulder.

Dear God

I come to you in my time of need
Vulnerable and afraid and trembling with pain
I ask you to lift me up,embrace me in your loving arms ,envelope me in your presence,save my aching heart from misery.
I awake feeling like I have no purpose my lord,I feel lost as if I don't know what I am doing anymore.
Therefore I implore you my lord,point me in the right direction,show me the right path that I'm supposed to take or give me a sign I am where I'm supposed to be.
If I have a purpose my lord,give me a sign that I'm fulfilling the course you have set out for me,and point me in the right direction if I am straying from my purpose.
I am in a dark hole my lord and just when I feel like I can't get any lower than this,I begin to dig deeper into the sand.
This pain is immensely excruciating,but I know you will bring me relief.
I know I am supposed to endure difficulties and make mistakes,so I can grow as a person.
My lord,I know you love me,I know you will take me from this sadness and agony and bring me to the light.
I lay my problems and my pain at your feet and I'm putting my entire trust in you for I know you will never fail me or abandon me.
Only fools doubt you my lord,but my trust and love for you is infinite.
Despite my fear and anxiety and emotional torment,I have complete faith In you my lord.
I thank you for waking me up everyday,I thank you for ensuring I am fed and have a roof over my head.
I know that my job and purpose is not done because you still wake me up each day to serve you .
I appreciate everything you have done and continue to do for me my lord.
Give me the strength to fight for my life,to persevere In the face of difficulties and sadness,give me the wisdom and knowledge to understand
My situations and go about them properly.
I will not venture into things with blinkers my lord,your love for me gives me strength to continue on this journey called life.

I love you my lord and I trust in you completely for you are all powerful and loving.

All I ask if for peace when I am weary, strength when I am in pain, courage when I am afraid,wisdom when I am faced with problems and dilemmas,
Bless my family and keep them happy and safe.



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