The by-products of social status

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The social status hierarchy is classified mainly by wealth and not brains.Example? An extremely intelligent girl I went to school with.... And I mean much more then I could ever imagine was working as a cashier at a grocer.This girl had the potential to supersede unfathomable limits with her brain capacity.Absolutely brilliant.Perhaps I'm giving too much credit but that is how I saw her.I despised her because I felt I was of a different social status as opposed to her.Intelligent people tend to be egotistic in this day and age and seem to project what is given to them.Attention.You give too much compliments then people develop an ego, you give too less,you're underestimating the person,you're undermining them.This girl however isn't exactly the image of beauty,,,well according to modern day societies perception of what is considered beautiful.She did not have a perfect figure or porcelain skin.Didn't have gorgeous features or an impeccable wardrobe,yet her circle of friends consisted of gossipers and utter idiots. The wealthy,popular students would not even bat an eyelid at her despite her boundless knowledge, much like myself boys were only nice to me when they needed tutoring or examination answers.Other then that they did very little to disguise their disgust at our inability to be "beautiful".

I often express to my dismay my disgust at this notion,that if I am not beautiful then I'm invisible and for this reason only do I disregard the opinions of others.It is absolutely ignorant not to mention ludicrous.The majority of societies population believes and also practices these beliefs.We are the by-products of social status, by this I mean the wastage, the outcasts, the rejects.Not because we are dumb or illiterate.... But simply because we are not a perfect example of gorgeous imagery,adorning barely any clothing ,almost as naked as the day we were born and females are hailed for this in this generation.It is simple,you're wealthy then you're instantly popular,you're goodlooking you're instantly popular, it doesn't matter that you have brains,or intellect.It doesn't matter that you have potential or that you could possibly.... Rule the world.None of that matters.It just matters that you are rich (possibly irrefutably dumb) or eye-candy(also possibly irrefutably dumb).That for me is unbearably infuriating.You could have the emotional range of a wall and still be respected because of your social status.

I am not being biased or resentful towards people who are wealthy or good looking. Some of these people are actually full of humility and understanding and actually want to be liked for the person that they are and not their looks or money.They definitely want people to look beyond that but the thing is,narrow mindedness is the cause of these conflicts of interest.In my opinion who you choose to respect,admire and be affiliated with should have nothing to do with materialistic ideologies but rather travel more in depth.I spent most of my schooling life wishing I was popular,wishing that people would want to be friends with me or want to talk to me.I was poor however,and well.....not as beautiful.Not In the eyes of the popular kids.Now?I don't care.I seek knowledge,I expand my knowledge,I have a thirst for knowledge.

So friends,don't measure your worth by how many friends you have,be it in real life or on social media.Don't measure your worth by how many 'likes' you get or by money.Don't feel pressurized to drop your inhibitions because it's what society craves.Society aches for controversy,for a bit of gossip,for something new.You should not have to be someone else just to be liked and I had to learn this the very hard way.See.... Society is much like show business.If you're young,beautiful and willing to do anything for an opportunity and to gain popularity amongst the public,you are most definitely accepted.However,should something happen,you lose your money or house,you get a divorce or you just get old and wrinkly then you are spat out and disregarded.You become a bit of gossip on a Sunday afternoon.This is the harsh truth of society and this is just but one of the hundreds of thousands of millions of notions that sicken me to the core.That society can take you,,,yes you,,,a wide-eyed young individual full of hopes and dreams and completely destroy your sense of belief in anything.It scars you and leaves you broken and damaged,all because you wanted to be good enough to meet societies standards.

With all that being said,I ask that you don't try to meet anybody's standards,meet your own standards.Stop trying to be good emough,YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH.This world is harsh,but just as they are ignorant towards the need for intellect and knowledge and basic common sense, be ignorant towards their opinions and comments.Don't let them dictate whether you should be accepted or an outcast.Nobody deserves that.The most important thing is to know yourself,to make yourself happy if nobody else will, to love yourself if nobody else will but most importantly,self acceptance.Accept who you are,accept your unique design,don't try to rewrite your DNA to please others.Adopt a don't care attitude if you will...because allowing society to influence your self perception is just going to destroy you completely.It's going to traumatize and break you,therefore,be happy with yourself,don't try to make others happy with you.

I feel that who you are and the way you carry yourself is as unique as your personality and you should carry it forth and project it throughout.Even if society rejects it,even if they feel it isn't acceptable,as long as you position yourself firmly on the ground and don't move when they tell you to.You make your place here.

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