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Have any of you ever experienced an epiphany of sorts?A sudden ground-breaking realisation perhaps? Realization of self maybe or your surroundings.This particularly for me is extremely important in humanity.Delusional people are one of the many contributing factors towards the decay in humankind.People believing or following notions other then reality are seemingly wandering around with their eyes 'wide shut'.It is important to know and see and indulge your mind in the world around you.Your beliefs are of course yours alone and so are your choices,and it is negative to allow others to influence them.But there's a difference,there's good influence and bad influence and when I evaluate modern day society the ignorance is towards good influence and the majority flock towards negative influences.Why are people delusional? The answer would lie mainly in your upbringing, for example if you were raised to believe black people are murderers or Muslim people are terrorists then you would generally grow up believing those notions before you discover and encounter for yourself the plethora of races and religious backgrounds.It doesn't matter how people try to tell you, you don't care, black people are murderers and Muslims are terrorists.A lot of topics and prospects are based on facts,historical evidence or current day occurrences which leads us to draw up our own theories and beliefs based on what is given to us.Delusional thinking has led much to believe the most ludicrous ideologies despite the factual evidence.It is easy to corrupt a persons mind when it's at it's most vulnerable.When they feel their thoughts are being re-written by a different narrator.That is when the mind latches onto a certain prospect and clings to it despite the many arguments.Because they either feel judged or manipulated or are easily influenced.

I am just pleading the case that there multiple diversified ideologies, there are too many to be fixated on one dormant mindset.I'm not saying change your way of thinking,mannerisms or beliefs,I am saying be open to others as well.The world is quite scary but also fascinating so make it a point to know your own mindset but also understand the mindsets of others.Understand the world in which we live.To believe that your beliefs are of the utmost supremacy and only yours are real while the others are a bunch of jargon is delusional not to mention narrow-minded.I particularly am open-minded.I adore my religion but am also facinated by others.I love my culture but love discovering others and learning more about them.Delusional thinking leads to a divide among human-kind in almost all aspects from politics to religion to even raising children.Your way is not the only way of life.Attaining a unique and new perspective on life and the world broadens your spectrum of thinking.Change is inevitable,so adapting to the world as it progresses it of the utmost importance.It is imperative to try and change delusional to learned.Still dont understand?As I mentioned earlier delusional and narrow-minded thinking allows for the possible decay of human-kind,it causes unecessary conflict and prevents humans from co-existing.Everytime I read the news it makes me think that humans are incapable of accepting diversified opinions and mindsets and something is always going to offend the next person.Conflict,conflict,conflict....
*sigh,what a waste of energy and time that could have probably been diverted towards harmonising and synchronizing our existence.Pieces of a puzzle are more or less shaped differently but when placed together it could potentially make a beautiful picture.

What are examples of delusional ideologies?Racism,stereotyping,sexism,war,political conflict,discrimination,social degradation etc.....From how a person dresses to how how the country is run  there is a division.People are basically afraid to step outside of their narrow-minded perceptions and into a more optimistic level of thinking.I'm not saying abandone the traditional methods and procedures but revolutionize them and make them work.These perceptions are a plague.I'll give an example. Poverty is one of societies unending plagues and dilemmas.Basically I reside in a developing country,South Africa.Poverty is rife,people wander the streets on a daily basis to feed themselves and when I ask them why they are in this situation they tell me unemployment,government social grants and pensions are too little to provision for a whole months expenses,there are too many mouths too feed, they have children to cater for etc.... Thus begging has become a norm and many people resort to theft, robbery and hijacking to name a few.Poverty is one of the many reasons why there is an increase in crime.Why is poverty so rife? Because it is a commonality in a developing country that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.Why? Because in this country the requirements to get a job or even into a tertiary institute is extremly difficult.Alot of beggars did not finish school because bearing the cost of a child attending school alone is one factor that makes them leave school or even unprecedented circumstances like the death of a parent or the sole bread winner.Children are left to wander the streets to attain something to fill themselves for the day and without basic recources like water or shelter they begin to perish.They are left to rely solely on their survival instincts and strength.A lot of people pass them by and feel no remorse whatsoever making common snide remarks like:"Oh but they are young,they have hands and legs,they can work and do something,they just want free money. "....These are but some of the comments made.This is also delusional thinking and narrow-minded.A lot of impoverished people have endured so much,being mistaken for barbarians because of their poor appearance but it's because
Poverty has brought them down to their knees.They become outcasts and delinquents to society,being mistreated by general public and shamed for their vulnerable positions. They cannot get employment because they are uneducated and cannot meet the criteria for most jobs.Nobody will give them the slightest chance because they are beggars,they cannot present themselves in a decent manner due to them having deteriorated under the daggers of poverty.Not even for physical work.That is the delusional thinking.Many of them resort to drug use and illicit crimes just to be able to endure their financial constraints and because of their drug use and crime indulgence that society casts them out and disregards them.So the underlying problem is poverty among other problems.It is emotionally, physically and financially trying to be able to deal with the ever fluctuating economy.I'm referencing this to the country I reside in but it is a dilemma in a lot of other countries.The government would do well to start organisations that encourage skills development or even educational ones,transform the so called delinquents into productive members of society.Perhaps they are the missing link in the countries inefficiency.Take these people off the streets and train them.Yes it is costly,because there are hoards of them,but how much money is being diverted towards unnecessary ventures, we are being charged tax for what? For supposed free medical care,infrastructure and development of the country, so divert a portion of the tax money towards skills development and Job creation.This will ultimately benefit the country and it's people.Our last president Jacob Zuma was so money driven,power hungry that he was eventually charged with multiple counts of corruption.Those that run the country are supposed to care about the people.Do you see? Delusional thinking.I'm not saying this will solve the problem overall but it will succeed in helping impoverished people become something.It's just a matter of contributing towards society.A lot of non-governmental organisations shut down due to lack of funding,why aren't these people receiving funding? They are attempting to help people.

So it's about putting differences aside and unifying to ultimately create a better world.Divisions on every single aspect will deter the continuation of humanity.It is childish.Wake up, observe the world around you and implement any sort of change,whatever is within your power to do,,do it!.If others practice mediocre values and implement them,you don't follow,you leave a commendable trail and they will follow.

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