𖤓 Chapter 4 - Mal's pov

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𖤓 - I wake up next to Evelyn. There's qualifying today! I of course love to watch the actual races but the qualifying are just so entertaining and interesting. Normally I would've got out of bed and let Evelyn sleep, but I woke Evelyn up incase she had some plans with Max that I didn't know about, so she wouldn't be rushing around again.

But she didn't. So I got her for myself!! Evelyn is literally my girl and Max has to know that. And if you dare mention all the times she has left me just to see Max, I don't wanna talk about it, thank you. Now move on.

We got dressed and went out to eat breakfast. We chose a cafe which was not far away from the hotel. As we walk in, who do you think we saw? I bet you didn't think Pierre and Charles, but they were sitting right there drinking tea. Yes tea! Yeah I'm just as shocked as you.

Okay I'm just wondering but like who sits down relaxed, drinking tea knowing it's qualifying today. I'm not a f1 driver so I doesn't know anything, but if I were them I would be stressing around.

Me and Evelyn walked over to them, only looking at Charles. "Hey Charles, can we sit with you?" "Yeah of course" he says. I then look over at Pierre who were already staring at me. "Oh Pierre I didn't see you" I said with the most sarcastic voice ever. He looked me up and down and literally rolled his eyes at me. Okay pop off Pierre. Someone is in his sassy era.

"Ready for qualifying?" I ask them as me and Evelyn sit down. We talked for awhile but then they had to leave for obvious reasons. Me and Evelyn had just gotten our food. We took some pictures of the food and then ate it. We then drove down to the track. When we arrived we walked into the paddock, to find a good place to sit. Evelyn was on her phone trying to get Max to answer her texts. I swear if she just had texted me instead of Max I would've answered right away.

Then it was time to watch the qualifying. I know McLaren just got some new updates on the car, but holy shit. Lando and Max was fighting for p1. And then Oscar came as well and it ended Max p1, Lando p2 and Oscar p3. I mean of course me and Evelyn was happy for Max. We always are. But Lando and Oscar did so good?! Literally dream podium for tomorrow.

Me and Evelyn had went back into the paddock to wait for the Max, Lando and Oscar. Later when they were done getting interviewed and had been out signing people's things, and doing whatever they needed to do after the qualifying, they finally came into the paddock. Evelyn gave max a big hug and a kiss. Please have mercy for us single people over here..

I gave Lando a hug and said he did so good. And then I saw Oscar standing behind him.

Wanna hear a little secret that nobody knows about. Okay nearly nobody knows about. I tell Evelyn everything. But anyway. Me and Oscar started following each other on instagram after that Thursday where Me, Evelyn, Lando and Oscar went to Starbucks together, and we have been texting each other. Mostly to get to know each other more. I would say we're friends.. right?

"Hi Oscar!!" I say as I make my way over to him. I gave him a fast hug and also said he did so good. He looked so proud, which is kinda cute.

Then they had to go because other drivers wanted to talk with them and other things and whatever. So me and Evelyn filmed some funny as TikTok's and made some wild tweets that we posted.

Me and Evelyn then went on a walk since everybody had left us anyway. But then I got a notification from instagram. It was a DM from Oscar, asking if I could hangout tonight. - 𖤓

I know these author notes can be very boring to read, and I'll try my best not to put too many and especially not long ones.

But I would like to apologise if this story seems no near reality.

I'm a new fan of F1 and I'm trying my best to make it sound real, but honestly I don't really know what it's like. Idk what they do before racing or how much time they have or where the F1 wags are doing races and stuff like that. I'm trying my best to get it right, but I'm sorry if it's still very unrealistic.

But after all this is just a fan fiction, and I can write whatever, but sorry if it's pissing someone off that I'm not making it like it is in real life.

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