𖤓 Chapter 11 - Mal's pov

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𖤓 - It's Wednesday today. Normally all the drivers would've left by now but some of them stayed here in England for the good vibes and a little vacation before the next race.

I woke up next to Oscar. We were laying in my bed in my hotel room. Oscar asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday and we watched a movie and went out eating afterwards. We then went back to my hotel room and slept. This time we were both fully aware and not drunk.

I would've stormed into Evelyn's room and tell her that me and Oscar is dating, but since he's here with me right now I don't think I can just leave him.

Me and Oscar is just gonna have a nice day together and I'll make him go shopping with me later.

I was laying some makeup as Oscar finally got out the bed and walked up to me.

He took his arm around me and gave me a hug from behind and as he were hugging me he lifted his head and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He then went to to bathroom to get ready as well. I tried to stay calm but girl how is that even possible when your man does something like that?

We both got ready and went down to eat some breakfast, and then I somehow managed to make him say yes to go shopping.

As we're just walking around normally in the shopping centre, a camera man who is filming some kinda thing, stopped his recording and turned to take a photo of me and Oscar walking around. The rumours of me and Oscar dating isn't new. Actually according to Google I'm dating half the guys on the grid. But I'm sure that picture will end up on Google as well with some kinda crazy romantic story.

As we got back to my hotel room we laid down on the bed and we were gonna watch a movie. But honestly I think Oscar might have been really scared about the last horror movie we watched because he literally suggested that we watched minions.

I couldn't say no too him besides minions would be my only expectation when it comes to movies. I only watch horror movies now but minions used to be my favourite movie when I was a little younger, so I actually loves the minions movies.

As we're laying and watching the movie, the door got slammed open and Evelyn walked in.

"Oscar? What are you doing here" was the first thing she said when she saw us. I guess now would be a good time to tell her. "Oscar asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday" I said as I sat up. Evelyn gave me a big smile as she clapped her hands and then took my hand and she said finally. Oscar was just laying still watching the movie.

But then Evelyn said "Right so it's cute that you guys are dating and everything but you can't be here right now Oscar, it's important" and Oscar stopped the movie. "Uh w-what?" He said confused. "Bye Oscar" Evelyn said and she somehow got Oscar to leave.

"I've been hanging out with Lance today, and we need to talk" Evelyn said as she sat down on the bed. Yes she really made Oscar leave so we could talk about Lance. But whatever, we all know what's gonna happen now.

"Lately everything with Max and stuff like that has just been a little weird. I can't tell anyone why he broke up with me but I totally get why he did. And I shouldn't be sad or mad at him for it. And actually I'm not. Well not anymore. He has already moved on, and I should too. And hanging out with Lance lately have been making me happy" she said. That was a lot at once but I think what she's trying to say is Lance makes her happy. I nodded and she continued.

"Would it be too early to just.." she said but didn't continue from there, she just got quiet. "Do you like Lance?" I said. "Maybe but isn't it too early" she then said. "No that's okay, and if Max is moved on already then you can too" I said and Evelyn gave me a smile.

"How do you know Max is moved on though?" I said kinda curious who he would be liking now. "I just do" she said. What a annoying answer. I didn't get much information from that did I?

Me and Evelyn talked a little more before going on our phones for a bit. Twitter kept giving both of us notifications. Lando had tweeted a picture of Oscar looking sad on the beach right after Evelyn made him leave. Evelyn was just laughing when she saw it. Poor man just wanted to watch minions.

Wait have I told that I'm going to hangout with George tomorrow. I always used to be at the Mercedes garage or the Mercedes pit wall to help and support George, ever since he became a f1 driver, but lately everything with supporting Oscar and Lando, keeping up with Daniel and always being with Evelyn. And George has a lot going on as well so it has been hard to find time to hangout with each other. I mean yeah we have nearly seen each other everyday growing up, but that's exactly why I don't want to forget that George literally feels like family and that we're super close friends. So tomorrow we will hangout and probably go visit some of our favourite places. - 𖤓

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