𖤓 Chapter 18 - Evelyn & Mal's pov

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Evelyn's Pov:

𖤓 - I woke up and my head was spinning and hurting so bad. I took my phone to check the clock. Only 4 am. That means it's only an hour ago since I went to bed. I laid down again but something felt very wrong. The bed felt extremely big and empty. There was only one thing to do.

I walked into the guest room where Fred was asleep. I felt so bad for waking him up, but I needed him by my side.

"Fred?" I sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Hm?" He slowly say when he saw me.

"I'm sorry Fred, but I can't sleep so I was wondering if you would come and cuddle me?" I asked him, and it that moment I realised how weird it sounded.

"Uh yeah sure" he says getting out of bed. He followed me into my bedroom and we laid down together. That went easier than expected.

But when we were finally laying there I got scared to actually move over to him, but luckily he was the one that laid his arm around me, and I snuggled up to him. It was nice knowing I wasn't alone right now.

I woke up in Fred's arms. I checked if he was still sleeping and he was. I slowly lifted Fred's arm and got out of bed. I decided to let him sleep. I got out and removed the rest of my makeup and brushed my hair. I decided to go grocery shopping. I wrote Fred a note and left it on the counter in case he woke up while I was gone.

Mal's Pov:

When me and Oscar woke up, Logan had left. We tried calling him but he didn't answer. I hope he's okay.

I thought about going over to Evelyn, to see if she's okay. Oscar said it was completely fine, so I took my phone and car keys and drove over to Evelyn. The door wasn't locked so I just walked right in. The house was so quiet, I assumed she was still asleep, so I decided I wanted to go and wake her up.

When I opened the door, it was of course dark inside, so I did what I would normally do. I turned on some light, and walked over to the bed. As soon as I realised that it wasn't even laying in the bed, but Fred was, my eyes widened. Holy shit..

Fred slowly started to wake up. I just stood there not knowing what to do really. It was a bit late to just leave now.

"Well good morning" I said as he sat up. "Uhh.. good morning" he rubbed his eyes. "Where's Evelyn?" I asked and Fred looked around. "I don't know" he said. I texted Evelyn, and as we were waiting for an answer, i found a chair that was standing in the corner of Evelyn's room, and I moved it closer to the bed, so I would be able to talk too Fred. I asked him if he was okay from yesterday's party. "Yeah it's okay.. I don't like that Logan is mad at me though" Fred said. "It's okay Fred, he'll be fine" I said.

"Hey um.. Fred?" I then said. "Hm?" He said. "Right so if you don't mind me asking.. like what are you doing in Evelyn's bed?" I laughed a little hoping he didn't feel attacked by the question.

"In the middle of the night she came into the guest room and asked me if I could sleep next to her" he said. That sounds like something Evelyn would do. When she's drunk and has to sleep, she doesn't wanna be alone. "And you said yes?" I jokingly said. He just laughed. "How do you feel about the kiss?" I then ask him. I know we were getting personal now, but since we were already talking about Evelyn, it was fine.

"Evelyn was drunk, she didn't know what she was doing" Fred said. "But did you like it?" I asked him. He didn't really give an answer.

"Fred if you like Evelyn, I hope you know that you just go for it" I say too him. He look at me with a questioning look. "What?" He said. "She definitely likes you too Fred. She has been having a hard time with all that has happened. Max and her breaking up, all the hate and gossip accounts spreading fake rumours. Partying has been her escape" I say. He nodded. "Fred she has been very unhappy, but she's smiling whenever she's with you. It's a smile I don't see very often" I say. It looks like Fred is thinking a lot over it. "She's not drunk now Fred. Go for the kiss, if you really want to" I say. Fred didn't get to answer, before my phone started ringing. It was Evelyn.

"Heyy where are you" I ask her

"At the grocery store why?" She says

"I'm at your house right now btw, I'm sitting in the couch with Fred" I say

"Didn't you guys see the note in the counter?" Evelyn asked.

"Uhhh no" I say.

She said she would be home soon. Me and Fred wasn't actually sitting on the couch, but the talk between me and him was a secret. Fred got up and got dressed and I went to the couch. I sat down and Fred joined me. We were just on our phone and talking until Evelyn came back.

She joined us on the couch. I told them how me and Oscar let Logan sleep over in the guest room, but when we woke up this morning he was gone, and that he wasn't answering our calls. Both Fred and Evelyn got concerned. Evelyn tried calling Logan but without luck. We decided to just give him time. I left not long after leaving Fred and Evelyn alone again.

Evelyn's Pov:

I still don't know what went wrong at the party yesterday. I don't know why Logan got mad at Fred, and Fred or Mal won't tell me. But I know Logan is hurt, and I feel bad for him.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I asked Fred and he shook his head. We got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. We unpacked all the groceries and decided to make some eggs.

"I'll find the pan" I say, but as I turn around Fred grabs my wrist. When I turned to look at him, he let go of my wrist and grabbed my face and kissed me. I was shocked at first but it was nice. I kissed him back, and after a bit we pulled apart. "Was that okay?" Fred asked. "Of course" I said and leaned in for another kiss. - 𖤓
(Ew cringe 🥲)

All the people on team Logan might get disappointed over this ahaha

Ignore spelling mistakes🧡

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