𖤓 Chapter 7 - Evelyn's pov

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*This Pov is from the where Evelyn takes home with Max, so this is while the party is ongoing*

𖤓 - Max drove me to his place. Max said he hadn't got anything to drink at the club and I hadn't either. Max unlocked his door and we walked inside.

I didn't even get to be at the party very long before Max asked me to leave with him. One weird thing though is that on the way home as we were sitting in his car, he was very silent. He didn't say a word. Maybe he wanted to leave the party early because he was tired. It would explain his behaviour as well so that's what I thought but I was completely wrong.

Me and Max walk into his room. Max is normally a very organised person, but his room was a mess. He didn't really know what to do. He looked confused as threw some shirts on the floor that was laying on his bed. He sat down on his bed with a big sigh.

It was obvious there was something wrong so I sat down beside him. His leg started to bounce up and down. "We need to talk" he finally said and I nodded. At this point i knew what was about to happen. It didn't feel real for a second. He went silent again, both legs were now bouncing up and down. He put his head in his hands. His anxiety had hit him hard. I didn't want to make it harder for him so I just sat in silence as well, but I should probably have given him a hug to be honest.

"I can't keep doing this, Evelyn" Max said. "Do what" I said with a shaky voice. "Pretending" he said now looking at me. What did he mean by pretending?

"What do you mean?" I said. I could feel tears in my eyes, because Max was clearly trying to break up with me. "I don't know how to tell you this" Max said. Why couldn't he just say "I wanna break up"? I don't get what was so hard for him. But that was not the only thing he wanted to say..

Then it happened. Max started speaking and I couldn't stop him. "I'm so confused Evelyn! I don't know what to do". He stood up and walked back and forth. "I think you're an amazing girl Evelyn, but I can't hide the truth forever can I?" "Evelyn I'm gay" he froze. He just stood there a little. I don't think he could believe he had just said it. I just sat there looking at him. Tears were in my eyes and I was trying not to cry. Max was struggling not to cry as well.

He sat down on the bed again. "My dad.. I told him that I'm gay a few weeks ago and he shouted at me. I mean he's obviously homophobic, I don't know what I expected". Max was now crying. I could tell he was super stressed and nervous for my reaction. A tear had fallen from my eye as well.

"Evelyn I'm sorry, but I think we should break up, I can't keep holding you back" he said now fully panicking, which was my sign to do something. I pulled him into a hug and he buried his head in my shoulder.

"shh It's okay Max" I said. I mean of course I was sad. I love Max with my whole heart, but Max is into someone else. The way he was panicking. I felt so bad for him.

We pulled apart and his eyes were red. "It's okay Max, I understand you, and I'm so glad you told me. It takes a lot to come out to other people" I gave him a little smile to lighten things up. He seemed to lighten up a bit. He took a deep breath. "So we're okay?" He said and I said of course. After that we just kinda sat in silence for a bit before he asked me to keep it a secret. I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone.

I checked the time and thought it was probably time to go back to the hotel soon. Though I talked a little more with Max. We both agreed that we had ended on good terms and we would announce the break up later when we had figured the last few things out. Max seemed much more relaxed now.

As I got up he followed me to the door.

Is now a good time to tell you that I kinda saw this coming. Lately Max have been hanging out with Charles a lot and Max just seems so happy around Charles. And lestappen is what everyone is wishing for anyways.

He offered me to drive me back to the hotel, and he even followed me up to my room. As he was about to leave I call his name and he turns to look at me. "What's up?" He says.

"Now go find Charles and tell him you like him Max, it's obvious". I said with a smirk as I give him a little wave and closed the door. I didn't get to see his reaction, but I bet it was funny. - 𖤓

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