𖤓 Chapter 13 - Mal's pov

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(This starts exactly from where last chapter ended)

𖤓 - I zoned out again as I was walking because I was so consecrated and long gone in the music, I didn't see the person running that came from the other direction. He had music in his ears too so we bumped into each other.

I looked up and saw someone I think I have seen before. "Oh uh- I'm sorry" he said. "No it's okay!" I said and kept looking at him. I swear I have seen him before. "I'm sorry where have I seen you before?" I asked him and he seemed a little nervous because it didn't seem like he knew the answer as well. "Uh I don't know.. uh maybe on tv? I don't really.." he said. On tv? And then it finally clicked! He is the f2 driver Frederik Vesti. Sometimes me and Oscar have watched f2 together and also sometimes the old prema challenge videoes. That's where I've seen him.

"Now I know! You're Frederik Vesti" I said and he stated to smile. "You know Oscar Piastri right?" I said and he nodded. "I'm Oscar's girlfriend, Mal" I said and put out my hand for him to shake it. He did and said "Really? No way! Nice to meet you" he said with a big smile. Okay normally I would never introduce myself as "Oscar Piastri's girlfriend" obviously, but I hoped he would think it was a funny coincidence, or whatever.

"Where are you going?" I asked him and he said he was going back to his hotel. He is right now on a little vocation here in England before flying home to Denmark again. He was going the opposite way than be right now, but I knew that keep walking forward wasn't gonna help be get back. It would just get me deeper into the forest. "I'm sorry, i don't know if it weird, but I'm actually supposed to go the same way as you, so I was wondering if we could walk together?" I asked him and he smiled even bigger and said yes.

I know he was out running, but he said he didn't mind just walking. None of us was listening to music, we were just kinda talking. He told be a few things about f2 and what it's like being from Denmark. I'm that annoying person that asks danish people to say something in danish just to see if I understand it or genuinely just hear how it sounds. And oh god I did not understand that. What the hell.. Rød grød med fløde?! What is even that. He just laughed at me. Haha very funny.

I asked him if he wanted to eat dinner tonight. He said yes and I asked him if I could bring my friend Evelyn. He said of course. I told him a few things about Evelyn and about me and he told something about him, and it was genuinely just a nice walk back. I would've never ever have survived that alone, but when I had someone to talk too, it was actually okay.

He was staying at a different hotel than me so we said goodbye to each other. We had already decided what restaurant to eat at and what time. Now I just had to ask Evelyn. I send her a text on my way up to our rooms. She replied right away luckily. I asked if she was in her hotel room and she said yes. As I got to her room I walked in. She was laying on her bed. Honestly I thought she would still be with Lance but clearly not.

"Hi girly, how are you" I said and sat down beside her. "I'm good, what about you?" She asked. "I'm good to! You won't believe who I just met" I said and told her the whole story. "So you're going out eating with him tonight" she asked. "Well I mean yeah. Though I had kinda hoped you would also be there. It could be so fun! Please" I begged her and she stated laughing. "Okay sure" she said and I threw myself over Evelyn and into a hug.

When we pulled apart her smile had faded again. Clearly something was wrong. "Evelyn what's up, I can see something is wrong" I said and took her hand. "It's not gonna work out with Lance apparently" she said. "Uh why not?!" I said. They have been hanging out non stop and Evelyn really likes Lance so what have happened. "He just sees us as friends I guess" she said. "How do you know!" I asked her and she showed me Lance's newest tweet.

"Oh Evelyn" I said and gave her a hug

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"Oh Evelyn" I said and gave her a hug. "No it's okay" she said but still hugged me back.

"I won't be home tonight" she then said after a little bit of silence. "Why?" I asked and she said she was going to a party again tonight. Evelyn doesn't like partying that much? And last night she apparently got drunk. I didn't think she liked alcohol? But oh well.

"I can come with you" I said. I mean it's been a few days since I was out partying last so I could join her. "You don't have to, you don't want to. Logan will be there and he have said he is gonna drive me again" Evelyn said. "Well tell Logan he also has to drive me, because we're going partying together!" I said and took Evelyn's hand again. She smiled and nodded.

After a bit of just scrolling on social media we got up and got ready to go out and eat with Fred. We drove in my car down to the restaurant. We had just gotten out the car when Fred came driving as well. He parked his car and went over to us. He offered me and Evelyn his hand, and he said that it was nice to meet you to Evelyn. We got into the restaurant and ordered some food. Fred is such so easy to talk to. You just automatically have something to talk about every time you're with him. It looked like Evelyn and Fred had a lot in common and they had a nice chat. We finished eating and talked a little more before me and Evelyn drove back to the hotel to get ready for tonight. I texted Oscar to inform him i was going to a part with Evelyn. He texted me back saying

"be safe, just text me if anything happens. I love you".

God I love him so much. Me and Evelyn put on some dresses and went to a club. Apparently Evelyn knew this club very well, so there's where we went. We had a great night. Evelyn got extremely drunk though. Just kept and kept drinking. I only got a little myself. I talked to Logan who promised he was sober. I told him he needed to bring Evelyn home right now. Evelyn had gotten sick and she didn't even know where she was. "What about you?" He asked and I said I would text Oscar to come pick me up. We said bye to each other ans he went to find Evelyn and brought her home.

I texted Oscar and he told be he would be there in 5 minutes. I took another drink and was just vibing to the music, and when Oscar arrived I walked out to him and hugged him. Oscar drove me back to my hotel and got in the bed with me. How nice of him not to just leave me. I hope Evelyn is doing alright though. - 𖤓

I decided to make this into two chapters, even though I wrote it as one.

I just thought it would be way to long if I didn't make it two chapters. But that's actually a question I've been thinking about. Is the chapters too long or too short? Or are they perfect?

Please let me know🫶

Please ignore spelling mistakes🫶

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