𖤓 Chapter 19 - Mal's pov

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𖤓 - When I got back home to Oscar, he was just watching tv. I sat down on the couch next to him, waiting for Evelyn to text me. Because I know she's gonna text me if it actually happens and Fred doesn't chicken out. We were watching stranger things. Oscar have talked non stop about it. He clearly liked the show.

About 30 minutes later I got the text I expected.

"Fred kissed me"


"I know right"

We texted Logan a few times doing the day but he just left us on delivered.

A few days later: Wednesday

It was now time to take to the Hungarian Grand Prix. I got up early in the morning to make sure everything was packed as usual and Oscar just stayed in bed. I had Evelyn on the phone all morning. Fred was up too and helped Evelyn make sure everything was there. She got lucky there.

We all met at the airport. Fred wasn't gonna race this weekend, but Evelyn insisted for him to come anyway and just watch the formula 1 race.

Logan still hasn't answered. No texts, no calls. We haven't heard from him at all, and it's really concerning. But he's coming to the Hungarian Grand Prix, so we'll talk with him there.

The flight didn't seem to be that long, but that's because I slept with my head on Oscar's lap the whole flight. I wake up way to early and get tired, so I spend the whole flight sleeping every time.

When we arrived, a taxi drove me, Evelyn, Fred and Oscar to our hotel. We were all staying at the same hotel this time so that was fantastic. Me and Oscar got different room numbers but Fred and Evelyn was gonna share a room.

Oscar took down to the paddock because he had a meeting. I unpacked all our things while i was on the phone talking with Evelyn again. Evelyn and Fred had just laid their bags and suitcases on the floor and laid down on the bed to relax.

Later Oscar came back and me and him ordered some food from the room service. I texted Evelyn all evening but she wasn't answering. But then she finally send me a picture of Fred walking with her purse with the text "yup that's boyfriend energy right there". I instantly knew Fred asked her to be his girlfriend and I congratulated her. It was obvious she liked him. Maybe he can keep her away from partying for a bit. I sure do hope, because her body can't take much more.

It was now the next day. It's Thursday today, and Oscar has a lot of media and filming work today, so I decided to take with him down to the paddock to try and find someone to talk with. As we arrived he kissed me goodbye and went over to Lando. I waved at Lando and he waved back. I then walked around the paddock to try and find Logan. I walked back and forth but I couldn't find him. As I gave up and walked back to McLaren I saw him. He was standing right outside the paddock talking to a girl. She had blonde hair and she was really beautiful. I really shouldn't have interrupted them, but I needed to talk with Logan.

"Hey Logan" I said and they both turned to look at me. "Hello Mal" he said with a smile. "Have you met Annie?" He asked and pointed to the girl. I put out my hand for her to shake it and she did. "Hi it's so nice to meet you" she said with a smile. She sounded so sweet. "My name is Mal" I introduced myself. "She's my childhood friend, I haven't seen her in ages but now she's here" Logan said proudly. But then Logan got a text from his manager saying he had media work in 5 minutes. "I'm sorry I have to go, we'll talk later, both of you" He gave us a smile. I still didn't get to ask him if he was actually okay and why he hasn't been answering, but he seemed happy talking with Annie, so I didn't wanna ruin the mood.

"Do you have any plans now?" I asked Annie. She shook her head with a smile. "I know a good cafe, if you wanna go there?" I asked her. "I'd love that" she said and we started walking, and I called a taxi. "Do you come here in Hungary often since you just know where to go? It's my first time here" she said. "I'm only here whenever they race here, but I've been doing that for so many years" I said. We then got out of the taxi, I paid the man and we walked the rest of the way to the cafe. We talked about her modelling career as we were walking. She's a German model and influencer.

When we reached the cafe we sat down and ordered some ice coffee. "I'm sorry, but if you don't mind me asking, why are you travelling around with the drivers? How do you know them?" She asked softly with a smile. "Oh yeah, I've known George Russell all my life, and I've always just traveled around with him whenever he had races ever since he was in f2" I said. "That's adorable" she laughed a little. She were right, I watched George become a brilliant f1 driver from ever since he was a child. There was something special about that.

"But i guess people don't really know me as George Russell's childhood friend" I continued. "I guess I count as a f1 wag, my boyfriend is Oscar Piastri" I said with a smile. "Omg really? You and Oscar looked so cute arriving together at the paddock this morning" she said. Her and Logan must've seen us.

Me and Annie just talked while we drank our ice coffee. We talked about her and Logan and her story and me and my story. You know we just got to know each other. She was the sweetest person I have ever met, and she was so gorgeous. She offered to pay for the ice coffee since I payed for the taxi. I told her it was alright but it was so sweet. I got her number so we could keep in touch.

We said goodbye and Annie got in a taxi and I called Evelyn and asked if her and Fred wanted to do something. Oscar still had hours of work left so I had the whole day to do whatever. We decided to go and take some instagram pictures for Fred, because his pictures need a little upgrade.

We found a beautiful place and I made Fred do the weirdest poses, and Evelyn was dying of laughter in the background, which made Fred smile, and that was fine, because then the smile in the picture's was real. We also took some pictures of Fred and Evelyn together. I know this time I'm not single myself but by the fact Oscar wasn't here, I was third wheeling like crazy. We took some pictures of all of us together as well, and then we sat down and chose which ones to post.

But then I remembered I still had to talk with Logan. And Actually Fred and Evelyn has too as well. It has to be now because he won't have time when it's time to race tomorrow. - 𖤓

After a long time of thinking, the next chapter is gonna be the last. I'm ending the story, because I won't have time to write, and I wanna focus more on making edits to my new F2 story. If you're interested in that you can go check out my TikTok: xxtcheaxx

A last chapter soon.

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