𖤓 Chapter 14 - Evelyn's pov

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𖤓 - I woke up alone with the worst headache. I only remember that I went partying yesterday and that's it. I went to the bathroom and realised I had slept in my makeup again. Or it kinda looked like I had tried to remove it with water or something. The mascara was everywhere.

I took a shower and changed clothes when I got a text from Mal, asking if she could come in. I heard a knock on the door and went to open it. "Good morning Evelyn" Mal said storming into my room jumping on my bed. "Honestly I thought you would be with Oscar right now" I said walking over to the bed as well. "I was but right now he's on his way to get Fred and Logan" she said making herself comfortable in the bed. "Why?" I said sitting down. "I told Oscar I met Fred the other day and he said that we could ask both Logan and Fred to hangout and then go eat breakfast together" she said. "Why are you here then?" I asked her. It's not that she can't be, but I thought she would be in her own room getting ready. "It's because I was wondering if you wanted to come as well" Mal said and gave me a big smile. "I am not hanging out with all three of them if you're not there" Mal said right after. "Sure" I gave her a smile and she put her hand on her heart. "Thank god" she said.

We both got ready and Oscar texted Mal that they were waiting outside. But when we got down and walked over to them, there were two cars. One of them was Oscar's and the other one was Fred's. "Why two cars?" Mal asked. "Well we can sit 5 in one car but we would have to sit very close, so we decided to drive in 2 cars" Oscar said. "Who's going where then?" Mal said. Logan was already sitting in the backseat in Oscar's car, and obviously Mal was gonna drive with Oscar as well, so i guess I was driving with Fred. Mal and Oscar got in Oscar's car and started to drive, and I got in Fred's car and he started to drive as well.

"Your ring is very pretty" Fred said pointing to one of my rings. It was a gold ring with an emerald on it. Emerald is my birth stone. "Thank you" I said with smile. Honestly that's my favourite compliment ever. "Why emerald?" He asked. "It's my birth stone, and my favourite colour is green" I said. "My favourite colour is green as well" he said smiling.

"Wanna listen to some music? Logan came up with a restaurant where we're gonna eat some brunch, but it's like 30 too 40 minutes away" Fred said. "Can I choose the music?" I asked him and he nodded. I love when guys let me choose the music and especially in their car. I put on some Shawn Mendes. Lately I've been loving his music a lot. "Okay solid choice" Fred said as he was vibing to the music. "You like his songs as well?" I said laughing. "Oh yeah!" He said now lip syncing to the song.

We were listening to "Treat you better" and obviously I couldn't stop myself from singing the song. I literally forgot Fred was sitting next to me, so I just sang as I normally would when I'm alone. When reality hit I looked over at him. My heart was beating fast. What if he was looking at me weird for actually singing the song. But when I looked over at him he were still vibing and lip syncing to the song. It looked like he had a great time. "Can I film this and send it to Mal? I wanna show her we're totally having more fun than them" I asked him and he started laughing and nodded. He put the volume at it's maximum so the music was so loud and when I started filming, we both began singing the song. It literally looked like we were having our own party. When I stopped recording me and Fred burst out laughing, because the video was perfect.

I send it to Mal and she answered right away. She had sent a video as well. I opened it and it was just a video of her sitting completely still, saying nothing and then she turned the camera around so i could see that Oscar and Logan was talking and laughing together.

Me and Fred was laughing and singing the whole time until we arrived at the restaurant. Mal, Logan and Oscar was waiting for us and as soon as I got out of the car Mal came running over to me telling me that was the longest 40 minutes of her life. "But it looked like you and Fred had fun" Mal said teasing me. I rolled my eyes at her, because It didn't mean anything. I don't like Fred, I nearly just met him.

We got us a table and the others ordered some brunch. I wasn't really hungry so I just ordered a coffee. Mal asked if I was sure and I said I was. Maybe I actually was hungry but it felt better to just drink some coffee. The others were eating and talking and having a great time. Me and Fred was sitting on different side of the table, facing each other. Fred would sometimes kick my foot under the table and the smile at me afterwards.

I finished my coffee and was now just sitting there waiting for the others to finish as well. But they were all just talking and it took them forever. When Fred all of the sudden said he was full. He still had food on his plate though. He pushed his plate a bit away from him. I didn't think much of it, but then he had pushed the plate over to me. I looked at him and shook my head but he just winked at me.

I knew he just gave me his food, because he wanted me to eat. It's not that I didn't wanna eat you know? It just felt better to only drink coffee. I looked at the food for a bit, before slowing starting to eat a little. Fred was smiling at me. It was like it was only me and him there. Logan, Oscar and Mal was talking about movies and games and stuff like that.

What am I saying? This is nonsense.

The others finished eating and we left. We were all leaving tomorrow, so we decided we would hangout with each other for the rest of the day as well. Logan came up with the idea that we could go to the beach. Everyone agreed, so we drove back to the hotel again. Me and Fred put on some music again, but this time we were talking together. Just a normal chat.

Me and Mal changed into bikinis and took some clothes on top of that and waited for the guys to come pick us up again. - 𖤓

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