𖤓 Chapter 6 - Mal's pov

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𖤓 - It was race day today! I'm obviously very excited. I jumped out of bed and got ready and then went into Evelyn's room and woke her up. She got ready as well and we went down to eat breakfast on the restaurant that is here at the hotel.

Me and Evelyn had been invited to the after party tonight with all the drivers.

We ate breakfast and then we went on a walk before driving down to the track and entering the paddock.

Evelyn found Max and gave him a kiss, and I found Oscar and Lando and gave them a hug while wishing them good luck. While I'm hugging Oscar he whispers "Dinner together, tomorrow night?" In my ear. When we let go of the hug he smiles and raises his eyebrows and give me a questioning look. I smile and nodded.

As I turn to Lando he is looking at me and Oscar with a big smile while giggling. I say bye to Oscar and walk over to Lando and laid my arm around his shoulder as we walk away.

"You and Oscar?" He says as we're walking. "No Lando" I say. "Didn't he just invite you on a date?" Lando then said. I froze for a second. How did he know? Lando started giggling again. "How did you know?" I say. "You both blushed, I'm not that dumb" he says laughing.

I say bye to Lando and went to find Evelyn as we went to watch the race as it was about to start.

It ended Max p1, Lando p2, Lewis p3 and Oscar p4 and so on.

Me and Evelyn made our way through the crowd and Evelyn made her way over to Max and gave him a kiss and a hug. And we then went to the paddock and we waited for Oscar and Lando to return to the paddock as well after Lando finished being on the podium spraying champagne. When they did, they were in a little rush because they had to get changed and go on stage, but they stopped when they saw me and Evelyn. I gave them both a hug. Lando was very proud. His eyes were shining and Oscar seemed proud as well even though he didn't get podium. Then they left and me and Evelyn went back to the hotel.

We fixed our makeup and went out to eat. Then Lando texted me that him and Oscar had finished being on stage, interviews and signing people's things, and they were out eating. And he said what time the party was and what club.

Me and Evelyn finished eating and went back to the hotel to get ready. I texted Checo that me and Evelyn was going to the party and he offered to pick us up and drive us there. You gotta love Checo.

Me and Evelyn was now ready and Checo picked us up and drove us the the club. Nearly all the drivers was already there. Pierre was the first on the dance floor. Evelyn found Max and danced with him, and I went up to the bar because I saw Lando there. "HELLO MAL!" He shouted and I gave Lando a hug. "Wanna dance?" He says and I nod. The music was very loud and most drivers were just dancing and drinking. Then Oscar came up to me and asked if he could buy me a drink. He takes my hand and I followed him up to the bar. I could tell he had already gotten a lot to drink. We sit down as we get our drinks. We vibe to the music as we're drinking. Evelyn then came up to us and said she was gonna leave with Max. "Uhhh girl have fun" I say and she shakes her head while laughing as she makes her way out the door.

Me and Oscar took another drink and went out dancing. I don't really remember much from there other than I took even more drinks and everything got blurry. I don't remember taking home to the hotel or taking anywhere actually.

But I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. I turn on some light. I sat up to look around when I realised I wasn't laying in the bed alone. - 𖤓

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