𖤓 Chapter 9 - Mal's pov

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𖤓 - I really wanted to wear Oscar's hoodie but I changed clothes since I was going to wake Evelyn up. I didn't want to give it away too fast. I walked into Evelyn's room and jumped on her bed and landed next to her. I put my arm around her as I normally do and she turned around to look at me. And that was the time I realised she had slept in her makeup. And I also realised she was sleeping in her own bed in her hotel room. She took with Max home yesterday didn't she?

"Good morning" Evelyn mumbled. "Good morning, how did you sleep" I said as I sat up. She sat up as well and said she had slept okay.

As we got up and Evelyn sat down at the table and began removing her makeup.

"Are you okay?" I said as I sat down beside her. "I mean I'm fine" she said. "Why are you here? Didn't you take with Max home yesterday?" I said and she froze, and that's when I realised something had happened. "What's up Evelyn?" I said. "Max broke up with me yesterday" Evelyn then said and my mouth fell open. "Wait what? why?!" I said now standing up. Evelyn looked at me but didn't say anything. "Didn't he give you a reason?" I said and Evelyn then said she couldn't tell me why. She had promised Max that.

Evelyn usually tells me everything, so that she wanna keep the reason her and Max broke up a secret was a little confusing, but I said it was okay and I pulled her into a hug.

When we pulled apart she asked me if I enjoyed the party yesterday. How do I tell her that me and Oscar slept in the same bed and kissed when Evelyn had just got broken up with.

"It was fine, I got so drunk I don't remember most of it anyway" I said and Evelyn looked at me with a suspicious look. "Are you sure that anything didn't happen? I can see you're lying Mal". I tried to hold my laughter but failed when Evelyn started laughing as well. "I knew it!!" Evelyn jumped up. "What happened and with who?!" She said as she took my hands. "Oscar" I said and Evelyn let go of my hands and put her arms in the air as she shouted finally. "What did you guys do?!" She said and I told her it was actually a long story. Evelyn sat down again and said she was listening. I told her how I woke up with Oscar this morning in his hotel room. Her eyes widened. I told her everything me and Oscar talked about and how he drove me back to my hotel. "Do you still have his hoodie then?!" Evelyn said full of excitement. I nodded and she made a big smile. I continued to tell the story. How I invited Lando over and how he told be about the project "Mal and Oscar" and all the people involved. Evelyn listened carefully.  I ended the story by saying me and Oscar are going out eating tonight. Evelyn took my hands and said she was so happy for me. And she said it was about time something happened between me and Oscar.

"Now Evelyn we have to get ready because we're going to get some breakfast" Evelyn agreed and we got ready, left and found somewhere to eat. We took some cool photos and had a great time. As we were sitting there eating, Lance one of the drivers walked in. He ordered a coffee and while he stood there and waited for it me and Evelyn decided to call him over. I haven't spoken with Lance many times and Evelyn have only said hi to him once in her life, but I think we at least could say hi time him now that's he's here.

When he saw us he gave us a little wave and as soon as he got his coffee he walked over to our table. Lance is always so nice and open in my opinion. We offered him a seat and he sat down. We just talked for about an hour. When me and Evelyn finished our food we asked Lance if he wanted to hangout since the conversation was going so great. He said he'd love to. We went bowling and drank milkshakes. Evelyn seemed so happy. I'm glad she can get her thoughts about max away for a little.

We nearly spent the whole day with Lance, but then it was time for me to leave and get ready to go out and eat with Oscar.

"Do you wanna go with Mal or do you wanna go do something else with me?" Lance said to Evelyn when I told them I had to go. Evelyn looked at me and I gave her a "if you want to, just stay with him" look and she got it. She said she wanted to stay with Lance and I drove back to the hotel. Lance said he could drive Evelyn back to the hotel when she wanted to go home, so I didn't have to worry.

I picked out a beautiful dress and put on some makeup. I had just finished when Oscar said he was waiting outside. I went down and he was standing in front of his car waiting for me. We have each other a hug and we got in the car. We drove us to some fancy restaurant. He's so cute.

We sat down at a table and ordered some food.

"You look good" Oscar said all of the sudden. "Thank you Oscar!" I said. I think I might've blushed a little but I hoped he didn't notice. "I love that suit on you" I winked at him. "Well thank you" he said and we both laughed a little.

When we finished eating he drove me back to the hotel. When I was about to get out the car he took my hand. "Wait Mal" he said. I turned around and sat down again. "Close the door" he said and I did. And then it happened. Like really, something that I could feel. This time I wasn't drunk at a party. He pulled me in for a kiss. He had his hand on my neck. It wasn't a long kiss. But it was nice. We pulled apart, but pulled in for another kiss right after. This one was a little longer. I'm glad he has dark things in his car windows so people can't see in. He started smiling in the kiss and it was extremely hot, I'm just saying.

As I'm about to get out the car for real this time I turn around one more time and give him a fast kiss. He smiles as I close the car door and walks up to my hotel room. I put my things in there and went into Evelyn's room.

Evelyn was laying on her bed watching YouTube or whatever.

When she saw me she sat up fast. "How was your date with Oscar?" She said and I told her everything. She got so excited and gave me a big hug. "Finally Mal" she said afterwards.

We then talked about what her and Lance did after I left. Apparently they went to some music store and bought some cds and things like that.

I got to kiss Oscar properly and Evelyn became good friends with Lance. Perfect! - 𖤓

I'm so sorry if there's any spelling mistakes 🫶

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