Chapter Ten

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I stared at Zayn as everybody in the room waited for my answer. This was possibly one of the most awkward situations I had ever been in and I had no idea what to say. I liked Zayn, a lot, but I didn’t know him well enough to fully commit to being his girlfriend, I knew some things about him but none of the small things. What was his favourite colour? What way did he like his tea? There was so much to find out about each other still.

‘We’re going to go home here Danayi.’ I heard Aimee’s voice as it broke the silence. I looked at her and immediately stood to my feet.

‘Yeah mate, we’re going to take off too.’ Dan said, placing his hand on Zayn’s shoulder, he looked completely emotionless. Within five minutes our friends had left the apartment and we were now alone. I paced around the room as I waited for Zayn to come back from leaving his guests to the door, when he did I looked up at him.

‘I’m sorry.’ I spoke softly, expecting him to be angry seeing as I had mortified him in front of his friends and mine.

‘Why are you apologising?’ He laughed, coming towards me and taking hold of both my hands.

‘I completely left you hanging there.’ I replied, raising my eyebrows in confusion. He shook his head and kissed my cheek.

‘I was trying my luck back there; I didn’t think you would be ready yet.’ He replied and my heart melted at his sweetness but couldn’t help but feel bad that other people had to witness me basically reject him.

 ‘I don’t care what they think; it’s what you think that matters to me.’ He stated as if he was reading my mind. I let out a large sigh of relief and he smiled, kissing my lips softly. He sat down on the sofa and pulled me down next to him while wrapping his arms around my body. He kissed the side of my head and buried his head into my hair.

‘How can I make you ready?’ He whispered but I could hear the playfulness in his voice. I began to giggle and turned around so our faces were inches apart.

‘I need to know you better.’ I replied and he nodded.

‘Okay. What do you want to know?’ He asked. I sat back trying to think all the different things I wanted to know about him and my facial expression made him laugh loudly.

‘What’s your favourite movie?’ I asked. I was now sitting with my legs crossed directly across from him.

‘Freedom Writer. What’s yours?’ He replied and I stared at him in disbelief. This was my favourite movie too.

‘Me too! What’s your favourite T.V show?’ I asked, wondering whether it would be family guy…

‘Family Guy.’ He said smiling and my eyes widened again.

 ‘Is that yours?’ He asked making both of us laugh hysterically.

‘What’s your favourite band?’ He asked.

‘N-Sync, they’re old but I adore them.’ I said, feeling slightly embarrassed but soon finding another coincidence when I realised they were his favourite too.

‘This is slightly weird.’ He said and we both laughed. We spent hours talking to each other and asking random questions so we could find out as much as possible about each other.

‘I just don’t understand the hype about Megan Fox, there is so many more gorgeous girls out there.’ I argued and he smiled.

‘She’s nothing compared to you.’ He said softly, making my face blush slightly which he picked up on.

‘I love when you get embarrassed or shy. It’s so cute.’ He loved something about me? I loved a lot of things about him but I just assumed I was way too observant but apparently not, he noticed things about me too and he liked them.  I took my phone from my pocket and realised that it was quite late and the only messages I had were from my friends. As my eyes left the phone and back to Zayn’s face he began to speak.

‘Do you want to stay?’ He asked. It was funny because he looked quite worried, as if he feared that I would say no.

‘I would love to.’ I replied, leaning forward and kissing him. He held onto me and pulled me closer while tickling my sides, making both of us giggle insanely as I rested on his body. Eventually we settled down but stayed in our current position. I rested my head on his chest as I ran my fingers along the tattoo along his collar bone. He left soft kisses along my forehead which made me question why I hadn’t jumped at the opportunity to be his girlfriend. I had to bite my tongue when bringing up the conversation and convinced myself that he would ask me again when he felt I was ready. I drifted off to sleep as I listened to Zayn’s breathing and felt the touch of his hands resting on my back. I’m not sure how long I was asleep for but I woke up to Zayn trying to get up. I curled up on the sofa when suddenly I was lifted from my spot as Zayn carried me into the bedroom bridal style. I nuzzled my head into his chest as I tried to get back to sleep.

‘You’ll need to change Danayi.’ He whispered as He lay me down on the bed. He undid my shoes from my feet as I unbuttoned my leggings and removed them from my bottom half. I pulled back the duvet and climbed underneath while Zayn removed his clothes; he always slept in just his boxers. He climbed in next to me and I instantly turned to face him, his hand pulling my body closer and resting on the dimples of my back. I buried my head in his chest and together we fell into a deep sleep. I woke up the next morning sprawled across Zayn who was now laying flat on his back. I giggled at the position we were in before removing myself from the bed. Zayn turned on his side and took hold of pillow on my side of the bed before resting his face on it with a slight smile on his lips. I found a pair of sweatpants in his wardrobe before going to the bathroom. I washed my face clean of makeup seeing as I hadn’t done the night before and went to the kitchen to make some tea. I brought the two mugs back into the bedroom where Zayn had literally just woken up.

‘You have impeccable timing babe.’ He said while stretching his arms in the air and yawning. I handed him the mug and climbed back into bed next to him. We rested against the headboard as we both sipped on out hot drinks in silence.

‘What do you want to do today?’ Zayn asked, breaking the silence between us.

‘Nothing with you.’ I smirked while sticking my tongue out at him.

‘We can go get lunch a little later?’ He suggested and I nodded, a nice lunch sounded really good. Zayn jumped up from bed and went to the shower. I put my leggings back on and my denim jacket as I waited for him to return. He entered the room in just a towel around his waist and I gazed at his body, perfection was standing right in front of me. He pulled a pair of boxers up his legs and removed the towel from his waist as he stood in front of the wardrobe. Blue skinny jeans were soon put onto his legs with a white tank top and a yellow checked shirt. He put on a pair of socks and black boots before lifting a black leather jacket. He sprayed some aftershave which filled the room and I heavily inhaled due to the fact it smelt so good. We left the apartment and he drove us to my house so I could get ready. He came inside and followed me to my room on the top floor. This was the first time he had properly been in my house so he was very interested to see what he could find. I went into my bathroom and had a quick shower without washing my hair and when I came back into the room Zayn was reading a large scrapbook my friends had made me for my sixteenth birthday. He was laughing when he met my gaze.

‘Your hair used to be so big!’ He said, holding up the book to reveal a photo of me at age twelve at Aimee’s birthday party.

‘My mum made me cut it short back then!’ I said, punching his arm as he made fun of me. He flicked through the rest of the photos while I picked something to wear and every so often he was let out a deep chuckle. I dressed in black jeans with a baggy white top and camouflage jacket. I applied a light layer of makeup and put my hair into the best messy bun I could that would take my thick curls from my face. I slipped converse on my feet before lifting my bag and turning to Zayn. He stood from the bed and walked towards me, wrapping his arms around me and smiling.

‘I’ve never enjoyed somebody else’s company so much before.’ He smiled while staring at every feature on my face. I kissed his cheek and we walked downstairs together. We stood in the hallway as I checked my bag, making sure that I had a key and my purse when suddenly the front door opened. My brother appeared at the door with three of his friends, I give them a smile as they entered which they returned but when their eyes met Zayn’s they stopped dead on the spot. Their faces completely drained and each of them looked petrified as my eyes moved from the group of young teenagers back to Zayn. 

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