Chapter Seventeen

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Zayn’s POV 

I placed the empty glass on the counter, this was the third or fourth glass of water I had drank since I got out of the shower. I was waiting on Danayi to come round to mine, today was her father’s last day so she was at Marius’ house to say goodbye. To be honest, I’m not an impatient person but when it comes to Danayi I can’t sit still. I had been pacing around the apartment and drinking water to keep myself preoccupied until she came, when did I become like this? One of the first things I said to Danayi was “love isn’t my thing” yet here I am head over heels in love with her. We haven’t been together long and I know that she wants to take things slow but I’m finding it extremely difficult not telling her how I feel about her. I always knew dealing the drugs wasn’t something I should have got caught up in but I needed money, fast. I get along with my parents now I’m out of the house but we never saw eye to eye when I was growing up. I was like Danayi, always out late, getting drunk and constantly fighting with my parents and siblings. My dad and I fought the most, a lot of the time it would result in fist fighting. My parents NEVER abused me, I was the one who always started the fights. Growing up with three sisters was a lot more difficult than it sounds. Being the only boy, I was desperate for attention and I felt the only way to get that was to be a dickhead. It got to the point where my parents couldn’t handle me at home anymore and out of choice I left at sixteen. I lived at Dan’s house for god knows how long, I met him when I was fifteen at a party and from there we were best friends. He’s older than me so he always gave me the best advice but the drugs weren’t his idea, they were Gary’s. It was easier than I expected to get into it, at first I was just doing job’s for a guy called Spencer but then soon enough I was the main man dealing them with the help of Dan and Gary. We were making an absolute fortune so when I was eighteen I was able to get my own flat. The three of us would use as well as sell the drugs, Gary still does but Dan and I don’t. Dan stopped selling because he got himself a job, a good job infact. He didn’t want to waste his life away which I could understand, I probably should have stopped using when he did but I didn’t. The reason I stopped should make anyone stop, lucky for me I was smart enough and found something that meant more to me. About six months before I met Danayi, Gary and I had a party at his flat. We had so many different kinds of drugs, pot, pills, crack and others I can’t even remember. The only thing I know about that night is I ended up having an accidental overdose, I almost died. I remember waking up in hospital with my parents standing over me, as soon as my eyes fluttered open my mum wrapped her arms around me. Gary covered for me, told the doctors that I must have been spiked or something which I have no idea why or how they believed it. This was what brought me closer with my family, it took a near death experience for me to realise how much my family meant to me. I stopped using completely which wasn’t hard at first, I felt like a new man but I was still dealing them. I depended on the income because my hours at the radio station were shit, it’s only recently they’ve been giving me enough work which covers my rent and all the essentials I need. It got to the point where I was almost certain I wanted to start using again, I had no reason not to use them and I figured my family would never find out. One night, I decided to go out with Chris for awhile before going back to Gary’s, we had been smoking weed together again for two weeks so it wasn’t out of the ordinary at this point. Just as I was about to leave to go to Gary’s, I caught her staring at me. Right then I knew there was something about her but I just didn’t know what.  I couldn’t help but think “why would I go smoke when I could talk to her?” That was the first time I put somebody else before drugs..ever.

“Zayn?” Danayi’s voice startled me, I had been thinking about her so much I didn’t even hear her come through the door.

“I’m in the front room babe.” I called back. I ran my hands through my hair and brushed my t-shirt down, not that she cared about how I looked because she said I looked hot no matter what I did. The door opened and she appeared in the doorway holding her bag that held her things so she could sleepover and her hair was quite curly and much blonder than usual. I knew the second she walked in the door she was upset, it was going to be a few months before she saw her dad again and even if she won’t admit it, I know it hurts her inside. “Hello.” I smiled at her and quickly wrapped my arms around her, she clung to my body and buried her head in my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head which forced her to hang on tighter, seconds later I could hear her whimpers, seeing her cry was horrible but it made me happy knowing that she wasn’t afraid to show her emotions around me, she was comfortable and she trusted me. I ran my hands over her thick hair as her tears seeped through my t-shirt but I didn’t mind. I lead her to the sofa and we sat down, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to me allowing her to rest her head on my chest. She lifted her legs so they hung across mine and I ran my fingertips along her thighs while whispering in her ear to let her know everything was okay.

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