Chapter Eighteen

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“Here’s to being legal.” Aimee held her shot glass up as did the rest of us and we quickly attached them to our lips and shoved the drinks into our mouths. The liquid felt like it was burning as it slid down my throat causing my face to scrunch up in slight discomfort but unfortunately I was way too used to the taste, I had been drinking similar drinks since the age of fourteen. A lot of people had come to Aimee’s for the party, I liked to pretend it was in celebration of my birthday but I knew it was just because it was a party. Zayn hadn’t arrived yet, he was coming a bit later with Dan and Gary to allow me some time with the girls. My tattoo wasn’t quite ready to show off to the world so I had it covered with black and yellow crop top. I was already quite drunk and enjoying this party but I just wanted Zayn to get here so I could enjoy the party with him. I was standing by the corner of the kitchen when I saw him arrive, his eyes scanned the room in search of me. He was dressed in all black except for his white v-neck t-shirt that showed off his chest and collarbone tattoos. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him, he was beautiful and he was mine. I made my way towards him but as I did I noticed his right cheek was bruised slightly.

“Hello.” He said once I was close enough.

“What happened to your face?” I asked immediately. His eyes widened slightly and his hand reached up to rub over his face when I noticed his knuckles. I quickly grabbed his hand and inspected it. “Oh my god, you’ve been fighting.” I looked up at him and he had guilt written all over his face. I dropped his hand from mine and crossed my arms over my chest.

“It’s not a big deal, it was just somebody who owed me money.” He tried to justify his actions but that made me even angrier.

“For drugs.” I said far louder than I was allowed. He quickly shushed me and came closer to me to move me from the large group of people. Gripping my upper arm, he brought me to the corner of the room where it was much quieter.

“Are you fucking stupid? You don’t talk about that kinda shit in public.” He scowled at me as his hand became tighter on my arm.

“Let go of me.” I gritted my teeth as I stared intently at him. After a few moments of staring at one another, he finally let go and I rubbed the skin to show him he had hurt me. I knew he would feel really bad about it later which I wanted right now because I was angry. He rubbed his face with his hand but his jaw stayed locked and his eyes were darker than normal, I’d obviously pissed him off. “I thought this was over?” I eventually asked.

“I’m not selling anymore, you know that! People just still owe me money.” He was whispering but his voice held aggression as he walked closer to me. Our faces were inches from each others and his breath was hot on face, I soon realised he was already drunk.

“Theres other ways of getting money from people instead of beating the shit out of them.” I tried to argue but he started to laugh and shake his head.

“Nah babe, there isn’t. I’ve been in this game long enough to know people don’t listen unless they’ve got a fist coming to their face.” He laughed again and I stared at him in disbelief.

“So you had to get drunk to do it? Doesn’t make you a hard man if you have to be fucked off your face to do somebody in.” I snarled at him but he wasn’t pleased, he gripped onto my arm again and pulled me even closer somehow.

“Don’t speak to me like that, Danayi.” Our noses were touching despite our height difference.

“I told you to let go of me so get the fuck off me.” I pulled his hand from mine. I should have been, but I wasn’t frightened one bit right now. I was angry with him so no matter what he did or said would just make my blood boil more. He let go again and held his hand in the air and walked back slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2013 ⏰

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