Ampa se Mēre.

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Laying in bed, tired of being pregnant. Atheana is eating dinner, alone.

She and Viserys have barely talked the moon after the twins name day, and she is pissed. She knows he is having trouble with Rhaenyra and his counsel, maybe they should get away for a while.

"Mother, are you okay. You look ready to pop the babe out."

"I am just crossed with Viserys; he has been distracted and distant lately. I think he is pulling away from me, Ali."

"Maybe, you should go talk to him. Every one knows how much he loves you. Just give him a chance to explain."

"How did you become so wise, dear."

"Because of you. Now go, talk to your husband."

"Fine, how about you stay and get comfortable. I know your father must have been bothering you."

"Thanks, he is a pain. It's like he is a glutton for punishment."

"What did he do, love."

"He asked me about you; then proceeded to suggest that I ask for Aegons hand in marriage. I told him I would never marry my own brother, or break your heart like that."

"That is why I love you, your loyal and not easily persuaded. I will have another talk with him in the morrow, okay."

"Thank you mother, I can't take anymore of his pressure."

"Good, now get some sleep, he won't look for you here."


Being announced, Atheana walks inside the kings chambers.

"Love, what brings you here. I assumed you would be sleeping."

"No; I came to see you so that we can talk."

"Well, let us talk."

"I've noticed the distance between us for a while now, I want to confront it head on."

"What distance."

"Viserys, you don't talk to me about how you are feeling, and what problems you are having. Talk to me, I have always listened when you express yourself."

"Oh dear, I'm sorry. I never noticed that I was neglecting you. I have just been so preoccupied by Rhaenyra and all the marriage proposals, her attitude, her lack of responsibility. What happened to the girl that I used to know."

"She is growing up. She feels that no one is here for her and she misses her mother. I know she has been a pain lately, but you have to work with her and not get upset when you come out with a different outcome. Rhaenyra just wants to know if her father is still here for her."

"How do I even begin to talk to her, she has blocked me out. I thought that her and Jason would work. I'm just at a loss."

"I told you, not to make that match. That man is a drunk and an idiot. All he can do for her is give her lions. How did he plan to marry her; from the back of a mirror." She finished as Viserys laughed.

"I guess you're right, I will talk to her in the morning. Maybe I will let her go on a tour, pick her own husband."

"Yes, do that. But don't be disappointed if she comes back empty-handed."

"Of course not, dear." He said as he picked up a letter and showed her.

"What's this." She said as she held a parchment."

"A letter, from Vaemond Velaryon."

"Yeah, the sea snakes brother."

"He's fighting in the Stepstones, with all the rest of them." Viserys said as Atheana reads the letter.

"Brother and Lord Corlys are losing the war." She said with concern.

"Badly, by all accounts.

"This is a plea for aid, Viserys."

He nods.

"Then why not send it."

"Because it is a war started by two malcontents, unhappy with decisions I made. If I now provide Daemon and Corlys succor, what would that say of their King."

"Perhaps, that he is a good man who loves his brother. This is Daemon; our brother. To not send aid is to wish him to death." She defends.

"Well, if you truly believes that, my dear. Then you possess a generous spirit."

"Enough, you will send the aid and this is the last we will speak of it. Or I will send myself and my dragon, to aid them. I cannot believe you are the man that I married. You let Otto in your ear and you run around with his words. I am your wife; but he is my brother. I will not see anyone of you die, if it is not by my hands first." She said as she started to get louder. "I want you to send aid by the morrow or kiss your wife goodbye." She said walking out, mumbling all the way to the Hands chambers.

She burst the the door, scaring Otto terribly. When he saw that it was Atheana, he settled down.

"Your Grace." He said quickly bowing."

"No need to bow, this isn't a social visit."

"Then, what can I do for you."

"Otto, if I wasn't pregnant; I would kill you. I have had my eyes on the realm since before I became a Queen. But through out all of that, I have let you live in peace. No more, when you tried to make Ali fuck the king, I left you alive, plotting against my family for who knows how long, I should have had your head. Forcing your daughter to try and marry a babe, fine. But trying to ruin Daemon and Viserys barely there relationship. That is death, automatically. While you try to hide in the shadows, I lite them. Hiding behind Alicent, I took her. Yet, hiding behind Viserys seems to work for you very well, no more. On the morrow, I am calling an emergency meeting; it's time for a change. I suggest, you and all your co-conspirators are ready." She said, leaving before Otto could get a word out.

Walking into her chambers, Atheana sees Iniko, Alicent and Rhaenyra talking and snacking.

"You look upset, did my father have a talk with you. He seems to want to do that a lot."

"Mine too. Alicent spoke.

"Your Grace, is it the baby."

"No, I am just tired. When will the men realize that I run kings Landing. If they don't know, they will tomorrow. Iniko, before the sun rises, I need you to inform every single person in the Red Keep, to be up and in the throne room on the morrow. It will be an emergency meeting. Ali, I want you to say goodbye to your father; he will be going back to Old town soon. Rhaenyra, you will be finding your own match; if you come back with out one, I will be choosing for you. End of discussion, all of this turmoil is interfering with my marriage and it will stop."

"Okay." All three ladies say, as they continue to chat and eat with Atheana.

"Great, now, may I have a lemon cake, please. I am quite famished."

All the women break out in laughter.

Day of Reconing
I Need Some Rules For The New And Approved Kings Landing, People.
I Have Some Ideas But I Want Some Of Your Input.

Rebirth: House Of The Dragon - Dynasty Of Queen Athena TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now