|Chapter 3|

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Mitsuri Kanroji, hopped into her car, ready to take her little sister, (Y/N), and herself to school.

With a big smile on her face, she couldn't help but notice the gloomy expression on (Y/N)'s face as she buckled up in the passenger seat.

""Mornin', (Y/N)! You seem a bit down today. Is something bothering you?" Mitsuri asked, her voice filled with concern.

(Y/N) sighed softly and shifted her gaze towards the passing scenery.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just not feeling very excited about going to school today, Nee-San." she replied, her voice lacking its usual enthusiasm.

Mitsuri's eyes widened, and she immediately decided to lighten the mood. "Oh, I have a funny story to tell you! You know Iguro, my co-teacher Stats? Well, the other day, something absolutely hilarious happened."

Curiosity sparkled in (Y/N)'s eyes as she turned her head slightly towards Mitsuri. "What happened?"

Mitsuri couldn't contain her laughter as she recounted the tale. "So, Iguro has this pet snake, right? Well, he accidentally left its cage open, and the snake managed to slither away. Can you imagine the chaos that followed?"

(Y/N) cracked a small smile, seemingly intrigued by the story. "I think I heard about that. Everyone was talking about it."

Mitsuri blinked in surprise. "Oh, really? Well, guess I'm a little late to the news then. But let me tell you, the whole school went into a frenzy. People were running around, screaming, and climbing on tables, thinking they were about to be attacked by a giant snake!"

(Y/N) chuckled softly, her smile growing a bit wider. "That must have been quite the sight."

"It definitely was!" Mitsuri agreed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "But don't worry, eventually, Iguro found his snake coiled up in a dark corner, all cozy and happy."

(Y/N) turned her gaze back to the window, the hint of a smile lingering on her lips. Mitsuri could sense that her little sister's mood had lightened, even if just a little.

As they continued their drive, the chatter shifted to lighter topics, discussing the upcoming events at school, funny anecdotes about their friends, and other cheerful stories.

Mitsuri made it her mission to make (Y/N) forget about her initial gloominess. Then finally, the car pulled up to the school's entrance.

Mitsuri turned off the engine and turned to face (Y/N) once more. "Remember, little sis—if anything is bothering you, I'm always here to listen."

(Y/N) nodded, a soft smile now gracing her face. "Thanks, Nee-San. I appreciate it."

Mitsuri reached over and ruffled (Y/N)'s hair affectionately. "You're welcome. Have an amazing day at school, and remember, I'm always a level down from your classroom. If you don't feel like taking the day, just rest in the Teachers lounge."

With a final wave, (Y/N) hopped out of the car, her steps a bit livelier than before.

Mitsuri watched her sibling disappear into the bustling campus, feeling satisfied that she had managed to brighten (Y/N)'s day, even if only for a little while.

But her happiness was only short lived.

Time seemed to stand still for (Y/N) as she heard that familiar voice calling out her name. Her heart skipped a beat, and a mix of dread and confusion flooded her mind.

She slowly turned her head, her eyes meeting the gaze of Elias, a person she had hoped to avoid. His cheerful expression only heightened her discomfort.

Elias waved his hand in greeting, his smile widening. "Hey there, (Y/N). Long time no see. How have you been?"

But before (Y/N) could form a coherent response, another voice broke through the haze, snapping her back to reality.

It was Kyojuro, her homeroom teacher and the person who's caged her heart with lock and key. His concerned tone cut through the air, his eyes narrowing as he took in the situation.

"(Y/N), do you know this person? Is he bothering you?" Kyojuro asked, his protective instincts kicking in.

Caught off guard and overwhelmed by the sudden pressure, (Y/N) felt a nervous banter escape her lips without thinking. "Oh, um, hi, Rengoku-Sensei! No, no, he's not bothering me at all! Actually, I'm late for my first subject, so I have to rush. See you later!"

Without waiting for a response from either Elias or Kyojuro, (Y/N) began fast-walking away, her heart pounding in her chest.

Panic and regret washed over her as she realized how abrupt and awkward her escape must have seemed.

Kyojuro stood there, a mix of concern and confusion written across his face. He watched (Y/N) retreat, his brows furrowing in worry.

He wanted to reach out and offer comfort, but he couldn't fully grasp the situation.

Meanwhile, Elias wore a slightly disappointed expression, unsure of what just transpired.

(Y/N) continued walking, her steps hurried and her mind racing.

She couldn't believe she had fled like that, leaving behind her crush and giving Elias the wrong impression. Her emotions swirled within her, causing her thoughts to spiral.

As the day progressed, (Y/N) found it challenging to concentrate on her classes. Her mind kept replaying the encounter, analyzing every word spoken and every gesture made.

She felt a mix of regret, embarrassment, and uncertainty, not knowing how to navigate the aftermath of that awkward encounter.

During lunch break, (Y/N) sought refuge in a secluded spot, hoping to sort through the whirlwind of emotions consuming her.

Lost in her thoughts, she was startled when Nezuko appeared beside her, concern etched on her face.

Nezuko sat down next to (Y/N), gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hmm Hmm?"

(Y/N) glanced at Nezuko, appreciating her genuine concern.

A wave of relief washed over her, realizing that she did need someone to confide in. With a sigh, she decided to open up and share her feelings.

"Well... I'm kind of in a major slump right now. And I think what I need is some fun night out with friends. Are you free after class?"


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