|Chapter 28|

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I am on a horrible lose streak in this mobile game I play rn. Maybe that's the universe saying that I need to start writing some lol—

 Maybe that's the universe saying that I need to start writing some lol—

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As the group made their way back to (Y/N)'s place, the evening's celebration continued.

Conversations and banter flowed among them, reflecting the easy camaraderie they shared. The warm glow of shared laughter and memories colored the atmosphere.

Inosuke's voice broke through the conversations, his tone grumbling as he complained about the weight of the plastic bags he carried in his hands.

Zenitsu, never one to miss an opportunity for banter, couldn't resist chiming in. "Maybe you shouldn't have bought so many drinks if you thought they were too heavy," he teased.

Tanjiro, ever the peacemaker, offered a helping hand. "Hey, I can carry some of the bags if you want."

Inosuke's response was swift, his pride taking the lead as he defended himself. "What? You think I can't handle a few bags? Don't belittle me, Monjiro. I could carry a hundred more of these bags if I wanted to."

Amidst the friendly banter and the laughter, Elias's curiosity found its way into the conversation.

He couldn't resist asking (Y/N) about Inosuke's boisterous nature. "(Y/N), is Inosuke always that... well, boisterous?"

With a knowing smile, (Y/N) responded, her tone affectionate as she described Inosuke's complex personality. "Oh, he's definitely hardheaded, but deep down, he's a secret softie."

Elias's nod of understanding seemed to acknowledge this insight into Inosuke's character.

But then, as if guided by a playful impulse, he added something unexpected to the conversation. "I like hardheads that are secret softies."

The statement caught (Y/N) by surprise, a hint of wonderment in her expression. Elias's words carried a touch of mystery, leaving room for interpretation.

As they continued on their journey, (Y/N)'s thoughts drifted momentarily to Elias's remark.

Could there be an underlying meaning to his words? Was he referring to someone specific?

However, the arrival at (Y/N)'s house marked the end of their walk and their conversation.

As the group arrived at (Y/N)'s house, a sense of comfort settled in, enhanced by the familiar surroundings and the shared moments of the evening.

"Nee-San knows we'll be hanging out here, and she'll be back around 10," she informed them. Her invitation was extended further as she added, "You guys can sleep over if you want."

The idea of a sleepover was met with excitement, and Tanjiro and Nezuko eagerly claimed the living room as their own.

"We dibs the living room." Tanjiro announced with Nezuko quickly backing him up by saying, "Hmm hmm!"

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