|Chapter 25|

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I think I need a good rant after this chapter—

I think I need a good rant after this chapter—

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The anticipation in the air was palpable as the next day arrived, signaling the approaching graduation ceremony.

In the bustling atmosphere of the Teachers' Lounge, (Y/N) was busy preparing for the event, surrounded by a mix of excitement and nerves.

Her Nee-San was by her side, offering assistance with her hair and makeup—a gesture of support that (Y/N) couldn't help but appreciate.

As Mitsuri skillfully worked on (Y/N)'s hair and makeup, (Y/N)'s gaze drifted towards the mirror in front of her.

A sense of wonder and disbelief filled her as she caught sight of her reflection.

The transformation was undeniable—her features enhanced by Mitsuri's expert touch, the nerves in her stomach replaced by a growing sense of confidence.

"(Y/N), you look absolutely stunning," Mitsuri's voice was laced with pride and admiration as she stepped back to admire her handiwork.

(Y/N) blushed, their heart warming at the genuine compliment. "Thank you, Nee-San. You tell took your time with that makeup."

"(Y/N), you have to understand, this is a special occasion!"

Mitsuri's voice was filled with warmth and a touch of exaggeration as she adjusted a strand of (Y/N)'s hair. "You're graduating, and soon you'll be off to college. And before you know it, you'll be getting married, having babies, and becoming a grandma."

Then she added, "Oh Jebesus, I'm just depressing myself with these thoughts. Snap out of it, self!"

A mixture of surprise and laughter bubbled up within (Y/N) at Mitsuri's playful predictions.

The thought of the future unfolding in such a rapid manner was both amusing and heartwarming.

It was a reminder of how swiftly time could pass and how the moments that felt significant in the present could become cherished memories in the blink of an eye.

The graduation ceremony began with a sense of anticipation and excitement, the air filled with a mixture of emotions as faculty members and speakers took the stage to deliver their heartfelt speeches.

The auditorium buzzed with a sense of accomplishment and a touch of nostalgia, as the graduating class prepared to mark the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

The heartfelt speeches offered words of encouragement and inspiration, reminding the graduates of their potential and the possibilities that lay ahead.

Finally, the moment arrived when the graduates were called to the stage one by one to receive their medals and certificates.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as each name was announced, the applause and cheers echoing through the auditorium.

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