|Chapter 23|

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AN: Story promotion at the end of this chapter :DD Y'all check it out plezz-

AN: Story promotion at the end of this chapter :DD Y'all check it out plezz-

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"R-Rengoku...Sensei? What are you doing here?"

"(Y/N)?" Kyojuro's voice was tinged with surprise and confusion, his eyebrows furrowing as he took in the sight of (Y/N) standing before him.

"(Y/N), you're...?" Kyojuro's voice trailed off, his words hanging in the air.

(Y/N) managed to stammer out, her voice wavering with a mix of surprise and disbelief. "Sensei, I... I didn't expect to find you here."

Kyojuro's expression shifted from surprise to a more understanding one. "I could say the same for you."

The realization of their unexpected encounter settled between them, leaving a palpable sense of awkwardness in the air.

Kyojuro and (Y/N) exchanged glances, unsure of how to navigate this situation that had brought them together in a dimly lit supply closet.

Breaking the silence, Kyojuro cleared his throat and decided to strike up a conversation. "So, (Y/N), I'm curious. What brought you to the supply closet? Are you looking for something?"

(Y/N) shifted slightly, the embarrassment of being discovered in such a place evident on her face. "Um, actually, I was just looking for a quiet spot to... gather my thoughts."

Kyojuro nodded, his expression understanding. "I see. It can get quite chaotic outside, especially during breaks. Sometimes a moment of solitude is all we need."

(Y/N) nodded in agreement, thankful that Kyojuro didn't seem to be questioning her presence too deeply. "Yeah, exactly."

The dim light cast shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of intimacy despite the unusual circumstances.

(Y/N) glanced around, taking in the stacks of supplies and the quiet ambiance of the room.

(Y/N) looked at Kyojuro with a curious expression, her question hanging in the air. "And what about you, Sensei? What brings you to the supply room?"

Kyojuro hesitated, his mind quickly working to come up with a plausible excuse that wouldn't reveal his actual intentions.

He cleared his throat, his voice steady as he responded, "Oh, well, I needed some printer paper for the classroom. I thought I'd come check if there was any left."

He trailed off, his gaze shifting as he avoided (Y/N)'s eyes.

The truth was too embarrassing to admit-that he had been trying to escape the attentions of a persistent and delulu admirer.

Sensing his hesitation, (Y/N) didn't press further, understanding that there might be reasons he wasn't willing to share. "I see. Well, I hope you found what you were looking for."

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