|Chapter 20|

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AN: Important message from the Author at the end of this chapter. Go check it out!!!

 Go check it out!!!

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Tanjiro and Nezuko were taken aback by (Y/N)'s announcement, their eyes widening in surprise.

"Wait, you two are dating now?" Tanjiro asked, trying to process the sudden news.

(Y/N) and Elias exchanged a quick glance, keeping up the act.

"Yeah, we decided to give it a try," Elias replied with a grin, wrapping his arm around (Y/N) affectionately.

Nezuko smiled warmly, happy for her friends. "Hmm hmm!"

Tanjiro seemed a bit stunned, but he smiled as well. "Yeah, that's very great and very sudden news. Congratulations, you two," he said, giving them a thumbs-up.

(Y/N) and Elias exchanged a subtle look of relief, glad that their friends bought their little act. They walked together, holding hands, as they continued their journey to school.

Throughout the day, they tried their best to maintain the appearance of a couple, going along with their plan and enjoying the time they spent with their friends.

As the day progressed, Elias discreetly made sure that the Kamaboko squad spent ample time hanging out around campus.

He wanted Kyojuro to see (Y/N) and him acting "lovey-dovey" as part of their plan to catch his attention.

Whenever Kyojuro was nearby, Elias would wrap his arm around (Y/N) or hold her hand, putting on a show of affection.

They exchanged smiles and playful banter, making sure to keep their act convincing.

The rest of the Kamaboko squad, including Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu, played along as well, complementing the act with supportive looks and teasing remarks.

Throughout the day, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious at times.

She was never one to display affection openly, and pretending to be a couple in front of her friends and Kyojuro made her blush more than a few times.

"Psst—Your hottie is behind us. And he does not look happy."

While walking down the hallway, Elias noted that Kyojuro was watching them from behind. (Y/N) felt her cheeks turn even redder as she turned around to find Kyojuro glaring at Elias specifically.

"Elias, why did you have to say that?" (Y/N) whispered, feeling a mix of embarrassment and worry.

Elias shrugged, trying to play it off casually. "Well, he was watching us, wasn't he?" he whispered back with a mischievous grin.

Before (Y/N) could muster up a quick retort, the sight of pink hair immediately caught her attention.

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile as she spotted Mitsuri, walking towards them with her usual cheerful demeanor. Mitsuri was like a ray of sunshine, and her presence always brought a sense of joy and warmth.

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