|Chapter 4|

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That evening, (Y/N) was filled with excitement as she prepared for her friends' night out with the Kamaboko squad.

Initially, she had invited Nezuko to join her, but then decided to extend the invitation to Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kanao as well.

Since the next day was the weekend, everyone was eager to join in on the fun.

(Y/N) carefully selected her outfit, making sure she looked stylish and ready for a memorable evening.

With a touch of anticipation in her heart, she got dressed and left her room, descending the stairs to the living room.

As she entered, she noticed her Nee-San, Mitsuri, waiting for her with a warm smile.

"Nee-San!" (Y/N) exclaimed, her face lighting up. "You're back early."

Mitsuri stood up and walked towards (Y/N), enveloping her in a tight embrace. "Of course, silly. I didn't have a lot to do today, luckily. Plus, you'll be out so I'm cooking dinner tonight."

Feeling Mitsuri's affectionate embrace, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel grateful for her loving sister.

Mitsuri had always been there for her, providing guidance and support whenever she needed it.

"You look absolutely adorable, (Y/N)," Mitsuri complimented, her eyes sparkling with pride. "You're cute, and you can be feisty too-A very good blend."

Mitsuri reached into her pocket and pulled out some extra money, handing it to (Y/N) with a mischievous smile. "Here, take this. It's for food and games. You should eat lots and have a fantastic time."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise. "Nee-San, I can't take this! It's too much."

Mitsuri waved off her concerns. "Nonsense! It's a special occasion, and I want you to enjoy yourself to the fullest. Besides, I still have some dinner saved for you, so don't worry about going hungry."

Feeling touched by her sister's generosity, (Y/N) accepted the money with gratitude. "Thank you, Nee-San."

Mitsuri leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead. "Make sure you come back before your curfew, okay?"

(Y/N) nodded, her heart overflowing with love for her caring sister. "I promise, Nee-San. I'll be back in time."

With that, (Y/N) bid farewell to Mitsuri and stepped outside, ready to meet up with the rest of the Kamaboko squad.

She walked briskly towards the designated meeting area, her anticipation growing with each step.

As (Y/N) reached the meeting spot, she saw her friends Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kanao already engrossed in lively conversation. A smile tugged at her lips, and she eagerly joined their circle.

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