|Chapter 5|

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"Man- I am so beat!"

"You didn't even win any prizes. How pathetic."

"You didn't win any prizes either, Inosuke."

After the Kamaboko squad finished their enjoyable time at the arcade, they decided to take a leisurely stroll through the bustling streets.

The evening air was cool, and the neon lights illuminated their path, casting a vibrant glow on everything around them.

(Y/N) couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as she watched her friends and admired the relationships blooming before her eyes.

As (Y/N) walked alongside her friends, she couldn't help but notice Tanjiro and Kanao engrossed in their own conversation.

Their smiles were infectious, and it was clear that they were completely absorbed in each other's company.

They shared a deep connection, and it warmed (Y/N)'s heart to see them so at ease with one another.

Further ahead, Zenitsu and Nezuko walked hand in hand, their fingers interlaced.

Zenitsu's passionate and animated expressions contrasted with Nezuko's serene and gentle demeanor. (Y/N) couldn't help but find their interaction incredibly endearing.

Zenitsu, always one to wear his heart on his sleeve, fangirled over Nezuko, showering her with compliments and teasing banter.

Nezuko responded with soft smiles and occasional playful nudges, their bond evident in every gesture.

Watching her friends in their respective relationships, (Y/N)'s thoughts began to wander to someone else.

The image of Kyojuro, appeared vividly in her mind.

She imagined herself walking alongside him, their hands entwined, sharing intimate conversations much like Tanjiro and Kanao were doing.

The thought made her cheeks flush with warmth, and she quickly shook her head to dispel those daydreams.

'Wait! No- No, (Y/N). Bad (Y/N).' (Y/N) shook her head profusely.

Inwardly, (Y/N) acknowledged that Kyojuro Rengoku already had someone special in his life.

She knew that her feelings could only go so far, and it wasn't fair to entertain fantasies that would never come to fruition.

Lost in her thoughts, (Y/N) was suddenly startled when Inosuke's face appeared uncomfortably close to hers. She blinked, trying to regain her composure, as Inosuke's raspy voice cut through the air.

Inosuke hollered out, "Oi, (Y/N)! What's with that void look? Are you daydreaming while we're crossing the damned crosswalk?"

(Y/N) stammered, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She quickly searched for an excuse to explain her absentmindedness.

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