|Chapter 8|

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(Y/N) crossed her arms, her skepticism evident in her huff. "Oh, really? And why should I believe you?" she challenged.

"Because you know I loved you." He replied.

(Y/N) crossed her arms tighter, her skepticism intensifying at Elias's response.

"Don't say such things, Elias," she groaned, her voice filled with exasperation. "Especially not in front of my Nee-San. She doesn't know our history."

Elias smiled softly, his gaze warm and nostalgic. "But it's the truth, (Y/N). You're like a little sister to me," he said, his voice filled with genuine affection.

Curiosity mingled with frustration, (Y/N) couldn't help but ask the burning question that had plagued her. "Then why did you betray me? Why did you choose to hang out with him instead of being there for me?"

Elias sighed heavily, his expression pained as he laid down on her bed, gazing up at the ceiling. "It wasn't that simple, (Y/N). I didn't have a choice. I owed him a favor, one that I couldn't refuse."

Confusion and hurt clouded (Y/N)'s features as she absorbed Elias's words. Her skepticism wavered for a moment as she tried to comprehend the complexities of their past.

She tentatively approached the bed, sitting down beside Elias.

"Owed him a favor? What do you mean?" she asked, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Elias turned his head to meet her gaze, his eyes filled with remorse. "There were circumstances beyond my control, (Y/N). I made choices that I regret, but I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you."

(Y/N) crossed her legs, deep in thought as she considered Elias's words. Memories of their long-standing friendship flooded her mind, reminding her of the bond they once shared.

However, the pain caused by their past still haunted her, making forgiveness a difficult path to tread.

She let out a heavy sigh, her voice tinged with vulnerability as she admitted to Elias, "Forgiving you won't be easy, Elias. Starting over is never simple, especially when the past still haunts me like a poltergeist."

Elias nodded, understanding the weight of his actions and the impact it had on their friendship.

His eyes filled with determination as he reached out, gently placing a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"I know it won't be easy, but I promise you, (Y/N), I am serious about mending our bond. I will do everything in my power to prove that I am truly sorry for what happened. I want to protect you, like I should have done before." Elias said.

(Y/N) met Elias's gaze, her heart softened by his sincerity. She saw the genuine remorse in his eyes and the depth of his determination to make things right.

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