|Chapter 22|

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I've noticed y'all got a little bit confused by the last chapter—Hopefully this chapter fixes all the misconceptions XD

Another random life update at the end because why not? Y'all read my cringey story, we might as well get to know each other mwehehe—


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The following day found Elias and (Y/N) huddled together, deep in discussion about another scheme to evoke jealousy in Kyojuro.

Elias was brimming with enthusiasm, his eyes alight with mischievous ideas.

"Okay, hear me out," Elias began, leaning in closer. "What if we feed each other in the cafeteria? You know, make it look like an intimate gesture?"

(Y/N) frowned slightly, uncertain about Elias's plan. "I don't know, Elias. Feeding each other seems a bit too forward, doesn't it?"

Elias waved a dismissive hand. "Trust me, it's subtle enough to be innocent, but it'll get under his skin."

(Y/N) shifted uncomfortably, torn between her own reservations and Elias's persistence. "I'm not sure if I'm in with that idea."

Elias leaned back, his face a picture of disappointment—A look that basically says 'what a chicken,' was plastered on his face.

"Come on, (Y/N)." He sighed, "We're trying to make Rengoku-Sensei jealous, remember? It's all in good fun!"

(Y/N) hesitated, their gaze downcast.

She didn't want to escalate the situation further, but she also didn't want to prove to Elias that she was a chicken.

And he also seemed so invested in the plan. "I... I understand, but let's think of something that won't cross any boundaries. I am not getting fed by my gay bestie." She said.

Elias crossed his arms, his expression still pouting. "Fine, fine. If you're so against it, what about posting pictures of us together on social media? That's harmless, right?"

(Y/N) chewed on their lower lip, still uneasy about Elias's suggestions. "Elias, I appreciate your efforts, but I don't really think this is a good idea."

Elias sighed, his shoulders slumping. "You're being too cautious. But fine, let's hear your idea then."

(Y/N) hesitated before speaking, their voice soft but resolute. "Uhh—Hmm... I just don't want anything risky."

Elias raised an eyebrow, clearly disappointed with the more subdued approach. "So, you want to play it safe?"

(Y/N) shook their head. "I want to be considerate."

Elias's shoulders slumped further as (Y/N) expressed her desire to stop the deception.

His exasperation was evident in his voice as he lamented, "But my bombastic plans—They're ruined now."

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