Battle fight argument

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This is very much intended to be angsty and sad so you know enjoy!

4 days after the No-pocalypse body swap
3rd person POV:

They knew that something bad would be coming, they just never expected this...

It had been a lovey day so far for both the angel and the demon.

Aziraphale had spent his morning setting up his shop to open for the first time since the world didn't end and then planned to read until a customer rudely came and disturbed his peace.

The demon on the other hand had not yet woken up. He went to sleep 3 days ago.

And since they had both enjoyed themselves obviously something just had to go wrong.

It was at the park that things inevitably started to go down hill.

They say on their bench and spoke about random things they had heard from random people until, finally, aziraphale brought up the one thing they had been dancing around all afternoon.

"Crowley, do you really think that heaven and hell will leave us alone? For good I mean?"

"Truly angel, I have no clue. But I hope so."

"But what is they come back? I can't lose you was so close last time..."

"Angel you really think I want to lose you? Of course not! I will do everything I can to protect you, to protect us, from the whole universe if I need to."

Aziraphale smiled sadly and said softly "thank you my love"

"Ngk...'welcome angel"

"Are you quite alright Crowley?"

"Hm yep, M'fine"

"Are you sure? Please tell me if something is wrong" the angel implored.

"No angel I promise nothings wrong, I was just... shocked I guess"

"Shocked? Why?"

"You called me love" the demon murmured

"I called you... oh. Yes sorry, I won't if you don't like it"

"No! No, I like it, it just shocked me a little."


"Yes I promise angel."

The angel smiled a real smile this time.

"Terribly sorry but I really have to go now"

"Oh alright angel, I'll head back too." The demon said, looking crestfallen, though as always trying to hide it.

"Ah well, I have to um speak to you know head office"

"Oh. I meant my flat." Crowley lied.

"Right then, see you soon."

"Bye angel, see you soon..." he said somewhat awkwardly as he watched his angel walk away.

Then he turned his back and walked away.

This was his first mistake.

His second was not sensing the angels and demons closing in before they got to aziraphale.

The third and final mistake was not running to azi when he saw the angels start to walk towards him.

What he actually did was freeze in shock. He only actually froze for a few seconds, a minute at most but it was enough for the demons to snap chains around his wrist and ankles and drag him down to hell, knocking him out on the way down.

(Somewhat angsty) Good omens one shots Where stories live. Discover now