Cold snek pt.1

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Vermont 1993 winter

"Where the Fuck am I" thought Crowley as he took in the surrounding scenery and realised he was in a field under a large apple tree in the snow.

It was only then he noitced the screams.

They were coming from a group of what loked like a poor attempt at sadistuc nuns.

Great, just great im am somehow in the middle of a field surrounded by screaming idiots.

Wait, not just any idoits, sadistic looking ones!

oh shit I've been summoned again.

It was the 3rd time this decade and they were only 3 years in for hells sake!!

"Right so I've been summoned in the fucking snow I'm my fucking dressing gown and the fucking 'nuns' have done a runner!"

"I'm going to fucking freeze!"

Suddenly he felt a wave of exhaustion hit him.

"Oh shit.....I'm starting to freeze already!"

He started to pace around the helpfully large circle to see if he could get out or at very least a futile attempt at keeping warm.

He saw that said summoning circle had serval high level runes on it along with, sadly, his name scribbled next to a child like at best drawing of a snake.

This new information only served to annoy him and along with the fact he was stuck helpless and useless in the snow.

If he got discoperated now hell would never give him a new body, let alone this one again!

He would be trapped, in a sense, as a ghost!

And Azi would be all alone...

No he couldn't have that.

He must find a way to escape.

But if he had to be rescued he would never live this down...

No he must escape and escape alone!

But as he thought this his legs started to lose feeling all together and he didn't know how much longer he could last without anything else but his dressing gown on....

That was it!

His wings!

They would work as the perfect extra layer!

So he summoned his onyx wings only to realise that they would be affected by the cold as well.

While he could start to feel his legs again he could also feel his midnight black feathers, that usually shone with an healthy shimmer, now hung limply and looked dry and old as they struggled to keep him warm.

So he had to choose:
His wings or his legs and arms and torso and well that was the obvious choice.

So he lay there on the ground with his limp wings hanging over him as he gave up on saving himself and just waited for his angel and passed out.


A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this hot shit because this is the first idea I had for this book and basically the reason this book happened and I finally wrote it!Any way hope you have a great day today/tonight/tomorrow and if it's late GET SOME SLEEP and drink some water it's important and keeps you well so pls be safe and healthy. Byee xx 🐇🐇

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