Snek kisses

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2019- the bookshop, Soho, London

It had been one of the few cold and snowy days in England and a certain demon and angel had just come back inside from a walk in st. James park.

The blue eyed angel was staring at the amber eyed demon as he shivered in the door way, "Are you going to come in Crowley or just stand there freezing?"

"I'll come in if you let me sit with you angel..."

"Oh you silly old snake of course, come in then"

Aziraphale lead Crowley through to the back room and settled onto the sofa, grabbing a thick tartan blanket as he did so.

Crowley was about to sit down when he realised he could not properly warm up in his human form and decided that he could probably get away with cuddling Azi as a snake so he sat on the sofa and turned into a snake.

Azi was completely unaware of this as he miracled up a hot chocolate drink and his favourite book, that was until a large, 8ft long, black and red scaled snake slithered up his arm.

"Argh, what the-"

"Jusssst me angel" he hissed

"Don't ever do that again you scared me!" is what azi said but what he wanted to say was "please do this more often or hug me because this is lovely you just shocked me so I don't really want you to stop sorry."

"Oh sorry angel I thought this would be ok..."

"Oh I'm sorry that's not what I meant this is... lovely but you shocked me that's all." The angel rushed

"Oh that's good then" the serpent said, hiding his snakey smile.

They sat like this for a few minutes before Azi started to stroke the back of Crowleys head.

This put Crowley on guard instantly and Azi felt him tense up and stopped.

"Nooooo, don't sssstop angel, that wasss nice" the snake hissed.

"Oh ok then" the angel smiled back.

A few hours later, when the angel was sufficiently drunk he leaned in to what he saw only as a cute snake, not his best friend that he had know (and loved) for years, and kissed him.

Said snake immediately sobered up to find himself locking lips with a no longer drunk angel whom he had also loved for 6000 years.

"What the fuck angel!" He said still holding said angel close.

"Sorry, Sorry I was drunk" he replied pulling away entirely

"Oh so you don-I mean of course angel.."

", that's not to say I don't erm-oh fuck it! I love you alright!"

"Wha-I- you- ReALly?! Nkg."

"Umm Crowley are you quite alright my dear."

"Urg Yes angel, definitely, this is much much better"

"Why-oh. So do you, you know...."

"Yes of course you stupidly smart angel! I've loved you since you told me that you gave away your blasted sword! I've wait for 6000 years for this moment! So um can I...kiss you again...?" He said losing steam as he got towards the end, so much so he practically whispered the last part.

"Of course my darling"

And the next 2000 years were what can only be described as true bliss. The two spent ever waking moment of every day together not to mention the nights then spent wrapped tightly in each other's arms. And neither heaven nor hell had bothered them since their trials and this continued until one fateful morning....

To be continued....

Ok so I hope you enjoyed this and there WILL be a part 2 (and 3) and also hope you have a great day today/tonight/tomorrow and if it's late GET SOME SLEEP and drink some water it's important and keeps you well so pls be safe and healthy. Byee xx 🐝🐝

Also the next part will be very sad if I do my job right so you have been warned ( I cried writing it...). But if you don't want to read something sad this can be a stand alone story.

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