Just one minute with you is forever (pt2 for snek kisses)

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To be continued....

4019-London-Soho-the bookshop.

Not much has changed since we last saw these 2. They still wake up together and spend every waking moment together along with every other one. And they were still unbothered by heaven and hell, that was until this morning....

It was about 11 at night when Aziraphale realised that Crowley a) was a huge black snake with a scarlet underside b) was asleep, still curled round him. He was wrapped around the angels middle with his head nestled in the crook of his neck, hissing softly.

Azi had been reading all night and decided that he could catch up on his lost reading time in the morning. With that thought he snuggled down further into the bed and promptly fell asleep with his demon snuggled around him.


By the time the sunlight had pierced the dark curtains, Azi decided it was time to wake up.

He began to shake of the now much smaller (when Crowley relaxes as a snake he shrinks ) snake expecting him to wake up and slither off to make some morning tea (or in his case coffee).

He didn't move.

Didn't even open an eye.

"Crowley dearest?"

No reaction.



"Crowley! Stop teasing me!"

Still nothing.

Azi resorted to shoving the tiny snake off him and actually shake him.

That didn't work either.


"Come on you stupid old snake!"

"Wake up this is not a funny!!"


"That won't work, principality Aziraphale, he is not in a natural sleep."

"G-God...how-why-WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!!!!"

"Careful principality, I am your God."

"And he is my HUSBAND! So I will say it again what did you do to him!!"

"I didn't do anything, th-"


"Maybe if you had LISTENED and NOT INTERRUPTED ME, you would know"

"I am sorry my lord, I truly am, I just need to know he will be ok..."

"He will be well....kind of-"

"What do yo-nope I won't interrupt....sorry"

"As I was SAYING, kind of for he will survive for a while..."

(Somewhat angsty) Good omens one shots Where stories live. Discover now