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As the golden sun crept over the horizon, illuminating quaint buildings, the scent of jasmine overpowered the fresh aroma of fruits from the market below. Bored of the silence I turned my head to the glistening ocean and rested my hands on the already warm stone of the railing and watched as a flock of birds glided over the coastline.

My eyes dropped to the white beach where I watched a barely awake mother trudge along with 2 excitable-looking kids in tow. When they got to a place the dark-haired woman deemed suitable she began to put down her many bags and lay out her towel.

Her kids, bored by her mundane actions, ran down to the blue sea. I heard their excited screams clear as a bell even from all the way up here. I looked away from their game of splashing each other, letting my gaze wander up the beach to where their mother had organised her bags and, somehow, wrestled up an enormous umbrella by herself. Now she lay on her towel, her olive skin complimenting her obviously expensive bikini and collection of sparkly jewellery.

I wondered absently if she had bought it herself or if she had someone funding her trip. She was obviously a tourist as she didn't know that at about 9:00am like clockwork a wind that blows everything not weighed down up to a few miles away, that had been an entertaining morning. And glancing at my even more expensive watch, it was already 8:53. Wait 8:53? I had been watching these humans for almost 2 hours! Oh well, time well spent if you ask me. We came here to relax anyway, apparently it's well deserved though I'm not too sure about that. I'm kind of surprised I managed relax to be honest, I expected to just sit inside and sulk but I guess a Greek villa and some good old fashioned people watching can calm down even a demon.

Though I guess I'm not much of a demon anymore, not that I'm an angel either. No definitely not. I haven't been one of them for a long long time, 6500 years to be more precise, and I don't remember it all that much. And not for any occult (or ethereal) reasons unless you count the passing of time, which for the record I don't that was all her doing. For a while all I can remember is a feeling of peace then, and I recall this as if it was yesterday, I met him.

At first he was just a passing angel who helped me fulfil my entire purpose so it's not surprising that I would be grateful and even thinking about him wouldn't be too strange it was however when I couldn't stop. I should have been over the newly-made moon, and don't get me wrong I was but... I wished he had stayed. Originally I tried to convince myself that I just wanted company to enjoy my creation but I knew deep down that wasn't true.

Looking back, it's really quite a good thing it was so deep because when you Fall that's all that's left. So when I crawled out of that lake all I really knew was I missed an angel I had met only once and yet his name was the only one I remembered. And for the next 500 years (worst of my life) it stayed that way. And it's not like I'm going to forget it now, with him sharing my bed but stubbornly insisting we are 'just pals'. Stupid angel and his stupid- the not so excited screams of the rich woman snapped me out of my thoughts as he watched her desperately chase after her stuff. I had called it.

I stood there for another few minutes until she has collected most of her stuff and the wind had died down and thought to that the properly demonic thing to do would be to stay and blow all her stuff away. Then I realised I was bored and the sweet smells were overwhelming and I went back inside.

I walked into my holiday home, bare feet slapping gently on the cool floor. I only had to walk into the corridor connected most of the house to heard Aziraphale pottering around in the kitchen. Assuming he was making breakfast, I went into the bedroom and got changed and made the bed properly. When that was done I felt brave enough to face whatever mess my- Aziraphale had made trying to 'cook'.

I shouldn't have worried too much as he had only used one pan, one plate and, for some reason, two glasses and a mug and was washing them all up. I crept up behind and snaked my arms around his waist and said as seductively as I could "Heya angel."

(Somewhat angsty) Good omens one shots Where stories live. Discover now