In The Garden

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For Crowley to say that The Garden of Eden was overwhelming would be the biggest understatement in...well ever.

It was so full of light and life it would have been a lot for anyone but considering Crowley had been in hell for the past few hundred years and hadn't seen and life beside demons and mold and the only lights were flicker neon ones and of course the burning...everything. So to experience the warm golden dapples of light falling through the emerald green leaves was pure bliss.

As he wandered slowly around he felt drunk on all the warmth and sunshine and he felt, for the first time in what felt like forever, similar to how he had Before. He was, to put it simply, happy.

Then the most wonderful thing happened, he spotted a bunny. He squealed and rushed towards it and (possibly because he thought it would) it stayed put and let him pick it up. Crowley then sunk to the floor, holding the bunny close to his chest, ready to spend the rest of his life there if he was allowed.

Suddenly he heard the leaves rustling and was entirely ready to lay down his life for this rabbit he had only just met but instead he was faced with a majestic deer snuffing through the foliage. If he hadn't felt intoxicated before he certainly did now!

Crowley felt like he was about to explode from pure joy.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, all the animals who had surrounded him like Snow White bounded away.

"Oh ow! Gosh that hurt!"

Crowley followed suit and hid in the bush and waited to see who was making such a racket.

Out of the leaves emerged the most beautiful being the demon had ever seen and he unintentionally let out a gasp.

"H-hello? Who's there?"

Crowley stepped out of the bush and got a clearer view of this unearthly beauty and felt like he had been drinking for the last 6 hours.

"Hi." He squeaked out.

"Hello my dear boy. Are you quite alright?" The gorgeous male asked looking red in the face and quite confused and Crowley had a weird urge to press his lips against his.

"Huh, m yeah...m'fine"

"So, why exactly were you in a bush?"

"Er hiding from you..."

"Oh no, why?" He said, looking so sad and worried and no he couldn't have that!

"Oh I didn't know it was you! I thought you were going to kill me but you seem lovely!" Crowley rushed stepping so far forward he could give in and press his lips against those ethereal cherry red lips that looked like they were just begging to-

"Oh thank you so much! You seem amazing too." The being said with kindness in his eyes and it made Crowley feel like he like he was never going to be sober again.

So he gave in and let his lips fall onto the others. Instead of pulling away he simply waved his arms around for a bit before letting them settle around Crowleys back. When he finally did pull away the only response from the perfect being was a quiet "Oh my, that was..."


"Don't be...sorry I didn't catch your name?"

"Crowley, yours?"

"Aziraphale." He had heard that before somewhere...he had only ever been 3 places though. And this angelic being could possibly be from Hell! Also he didn't smell like anything in The Garden so that only No, he couldn't have just kissed an angel without even knowing!

"Are- you aren't a...demon...are you?" Aziraphale asked tentatively, almost whispering the word demon.

"'Fraid so, sorry"

"Ah, well best you know I'm an angel then."

"I did kinda guess that, sorry."

"Will you stop apologising!"

"I'm sorry, I'll stop"

"Argh!" The angel grabbed Crowleys simple robe and pulling him closer then he stoped, waiting for permission centimetres away from his lips.

All Crowley had to do was nod but he was worried he would end up hurting the angel or worst, making him Fall. So instead he asked "Are you sure? You might y'know get in trouble..."

"I'll be fine, what's the worst that can happen. It's only loving someone."

"Ngk, I guess..."

"I- we, if you don't want to then we don't have to. Thats fine I just want you to be happy-" He was cut off by Crowley gently placing his lips onto the angels.

And that was how a beautiful 6000 year long relationship between a demon and an angel started, all the way back at the beginning.

Just a short one today since it was my birthday yesterday and I didn't have that long but I got the good omens book! I hope that you enjoyed that and have a great day today/tonight/tomorrow and if it's late GET SOME SLEEP and drink some water it's important and keeps you well so pls be safe and healthy. Byee xx🎉🎉 🎂🎂

(Somewhat angsty) Good omens one shots Where stories live. Discover now