Chapter 7

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Harley woke up with one thought: is it such a disaster for people to know the truth about her? Is Harleen Quinzel's life ruined if everyone, especially Bruce, discovers she isn't Hope Quizzel? Will he run for the hills when he realizes he's dating Harley Quinn?

All those things plague the blonde's mind, even while brushing her teeth in the biggest guest bathroom known to man. Seriously, this thing is more humongous than the one at the Gotham Royale or at her house. But the bathroom's size isn't what's important. Her life decision is, and Harley is reminded of what Dr. Leland said.

There's no such thing as ruining your life. As it turns out, life is resilient. Setbacks lead to even greater setups for an even bigger comeback. At least, that's part of what Harley is learning. Intentions, however, are a different matter.

Most people are made of flaws and stitched together with good intentions. We are what we do and say, not what we intend to. And specifically, Harley's intent behind becoming Hope Quizzel was born out of necessity. Opportunities would have passed her by if she hadn't changed her name.

Her life has changed, and she's changing with it. The blonde tries not to think about that decision too much. It becomes insufferable if she does consider what could have been. At that point in time, she was juggling issues and solving problems, so her brain didn't stop to consider any future ramifications of something like changing her name. It wasn't on the radar.

But now Harley has to confront it. Because whatever it is a person runs from goes with them. It stays with you until you find out how to face it, even something like unbecoming Harley Quinn and turning into the person she was always meant to be--- her true self. And maybe a name change was part of it, helping her get where she needed to be.

Ironically, she's still called Harleen or Harley by the people who matter most in her life, so is it imperative to be Hope Quizzel any longer? She's unsure about that, especially with work. But she's certain relationships require trust and equality. Anything less is a lie and a work of fiction.

Harley has to tell the truth, but how to do it is the new question. As she put on last night's navy dress, the blonde answered her own question--- Gently and tactfully, that's how. It all comes down to how it will be received. Expectations divided by reality often suck.

She exited the room and went down the stairs, following her nose, led by the aroma of coffee. Alfred was whipping up a full breakfast in the kitchen, including a fresh pot of "Coffee!! Oh, how I've needed you," Harley spoke to the machine.

The older gentleman chuckled and mentioned, "It's ready, and the cups are in the cabinet above."

The blonde took a cup down and began pouring. Alfred asked, "Did you sleep well, Miss Quizzel? I hope you'll stay for breakfast, but if you can't, I'll send something for the road."

Harley finished stirring the creamer and inhaled. She replied, "I slept like a princess. That bed was a dream come true. I'll need to leave soon if I want to be able to make a quick wardrobe change at home. So to-go would be great."

The man nodded and began getting the items needed for her meal. While doing so, Bruce entered wearing a black t-shirt, grey jogging pants, and having a serious case of bedhead. He went straight for the coffee as well. Harley hip bumped him. "Morning," she greeted.

Smiling, Bruce stopped pouring his cup of joe and returned her greeting with a forehead kiss. He mentioned, "Morning to you too. How are you?"

Truthfully she told him, "My mind is a messy place to be, but other than that, I'm great. That bedroom beats the Gotham Royale's suite, just so you know."

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